В раздел "Конспирология" полезные ссылки по различным проектам и спецоперациям и их классификация:
Легенда или подозреваемые:
- [U]: CIA and/or UK's SIS/MI6
- [I]: Israel's Mossad ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service)
- [G]: Freemasons; Power Elite, Secret Societies
- [S]: Soviets, Russia, KGB, Communism
- [A]: Arabic country, Islamic extremists
- [J]: Jesuits, Catholics, Vatican City
- [M]: Mafia, Mobsters, gun / gold / drug / human trafficking, crime syndicates
- [F]: Financial crime by Industrialists, Bankers; or Fascists depending on context
- [O]: Other, Companies/Business plots
- [P]: Politicians; Preachers; Police; Pedophile-networks; or all the above, depending on context (ex:Dennis Hastert).
- [G,U,I,J,M,F,O,P] -- Indicates Cryptofascist Globalist Conspirators
Часть 1
- Acoustic Kitty : 20M USD CIA project to implant microphones in cat's ears in order to spy on Soviets, but cats were unreliable. This no joke. [U]
- Air America : CIA-owned dummy airline used in covert operations, including "unwittingly" transporting drugs illegally, and wittingly transporting (illegal in US) drugs legally between countries. [U]
- Amalgam Virgo : crash of an Italian military aircraft setting off an environmental disaster of phosgene dispersal. The crash was suspicious, but the conspiracy is in the coverup, in which Judge Carlo Mastelloni in 97 indicted 22 Air Force officers on charges of suppression, forgery, theft of documents concerning state security.**. Even former President of the Republic Francesco Cossiga has released a public interview in which states that the killing of Argo 16 was due to a revenge of the Israeli secret services. [I]
- Assassination of Abraham Lincoln : part of a larger confederate conspiracy than 'as-history-remembers-a-lone-wolf', John Wilkes Booth. [F]
- US/UK Military Intelligence Astroturfing : The policies of abuse sociology and the weaponization of public psychology, including military intelligence behavior such as cognitive-infiltration**; social media manipulation of opinion; sensemaking** in the activity of manufacturing the public's belief in non-reality, aka "Gaslighting". [U,G,I]
- Bay of Pigs Invasion : Failed 1961 military invasion of Cuba undertaken by the CIA-sponsored paramilitary group, to overthrow increasingly communist Castro [U]
- Bayer Corp and Baxter Corp knowingly gave thousands of hemophiliacs HIV and Hepatitis C. [O,F]
- Bernard Ebbers of WorldCom Fraud : False financial reporting that would rival the Enron Scandal. [F]
- Black Sites and US Government Torture of Detainees [U]
- Black Sox Scandal : Baseball players coordinated with gamblers to throw games [O,M]
- Bologna massacre : Propaganda Due members staged false flag terror attack in Italy in 1980, as part of a strategy of tension
- Bojinka plot [F,O]
- Caesar assassination [P]
- Catiline conspiracy : senator plotted with cronies and soldiers to overthrow the Roman republic; parallel to Star Wars Universe'Palpatine backstory [P]
- The Church Committee [U,P]
- The Chemist’s War : US Treasury Dept poisoned alcohol during prohibition and killed people. [U,P]
- CIA Assassinations
- CIA Drug Trafficking and Smuggling (see Gary Webb suicide) : "Gary Webb explained how, in the 1980’s the CIA facilitated the sale of cocaine to the street gangs, the Crips and Bloods, in Los Angeles in order to funnel the drug profits to the contras, a Latin American guerrilla army" [U,M]
- CIA Drug Trafficking in Latin America [U,M]
- CIA Front Companies [U,P]
- COINTELPRO : ongoing FBI series of covert, illegal infiltration and disruption of legal political groups in the US [U,G,M,P]
- "Conspiracy Theory" Conspiracy : The conspiracy to conflate the term conspiracy theory with misinformation. Look up. Look down. These are all proven conspiracies. Even this one. In 1967, the CIA coined the term as part of a psychological operationThey've used the media to wage a mass mind control campaign to discredit anyone with an idea that is not accepted by the establishment. [U,O-media]
- Continuity of Operations Plan : Intended as emergency plan, this status elevates the US intelligence community into extrajuditional operation, making it a 'shadow government' that has continued for 15(+) yrs since 9/11. Obama says, "the CIA gets what it wants". This operational modality is why. It makes the CIA "above the law." Bush renewed it twice, Obama renewed it twice. There is no evidence that there is a plan to deescalate the 'emergency state of 9/11' even 15 yrs later. Wikipedia has attempted to 'scrub the article of Obama' but failed because of us, here on /r/conspiracy. We are the Watchers on the Wall. [U,P,M,C]-[F,O,P]-[G]-[I]
- Cuban Project aka Operation Mongoose : CIA's a secret program against Cuba, aimed at removing the Communists from power (, again). [U]
- De Beers Diamonds pricefixing : Dutch diamond dealers ripped off South Africa of 3B dollars over 7 yrs by price manipuation. [O,F,M]
- Dryfus affair : French officer served life on politically-motivated falsified evidence. [P]
- Downing Street Memo : aka "smoking gun memo" notes from a MI6 member detailing to British government that GWB wanted to remove Saddam Hussein by conflating terrorism with WMD (that we find later didn't actually exist). [U,P]
- ECHELON : signals intelligence program to create Five Eyes, a secret, global surveillance program created in the 1960s originally to monitor Soviet actions during the now-over Cold War. ECHELON was confirmed by The Intercept in 2015 from Snowden revelations. Note that this was once in a conspiracy-gray-area of "covert protective operations of the CIA", until 9/11, after which the government started lying, manipulating the public and acting like an enemy of the global citizen; and taking actions that would appear counter to the interests of the american people (ie: "stopping terrorism by spreading violence and occupation around the world, begetting only more of the same"), leading 1 out of 4 of them to believe the government is the enemy. [U]-[P,I,G,O]
- Enron and Arthur Anderson Scandal : massive-scale financial accounting fraud that stole money from millions of shareholders immediately after 9/11, leading to a class action that bankruped Enron. The fraud was facilitated by one of the largest auditing firms Arthur Anderson, also bankrupted. Arthur Anderson was found guilty of destroying documents, thereby voiding its business. Later AA managed to overturn this decision by the Supreme Court on a bogus technicality but no one would ever trust them again. The Enron/AA scandal has been linked to 9/11 by the records of the FBI's investigations of Enron's gold derivatives manipulation destroyed on the 23rd floor of the north tower. [F,P]-[U]
- Family Jewels : set of reports that detailed (unlawful) activities conducted by the United States CIA, held secret from the public for many decades. [U,P]
- The Federal Reserve Act : the creation of a central banking system of the United States that abuses its users by creating debt with every dollar. James Corbett discusses the Fed in "Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve". [G]-[U,F,P]
- The FISA Court (secret) [U,P]
- Foundation X : secretive Foundation X was discovered in an article about Jon Stewart and his possible connection to Templars,"Secretive Knights Templar Make Astounding Bid To Save World", and confirmed by Lord James of Blackheath's 2010 speech to UK's House of Lords about Foundation X's 15,000,000,000,000 baiout offer. In 2012, Lord James has come to the following conclusions about Foundation X, "I think there may have been a massive piece of money laundering committed by a major government which ought to know better and that it has effectively undermined the integrity of the British bank the Royal Bank of Scotland, in doing so. The second alternative is that a major American department has an agency that has gone rogue on it because it has been wound up and has created a structure out of which they are seeking to get at least 50 billion Euros as a payoff. And the third possibility is that this is an extraordinarily elaborate fraud which has not been carried out but which has been prepared in order to provide a threat to one government or more if they don't pay them off. So there are three possibilities and this all needs a very urgent review." This whole affair was of course shut down--rather disrespectfully--in the US media as a conspiracy theory. and fairly compared to a nigerian email scam in the Guardian. [G,U,M,F]
- Gary Webb’s suicide : Journalist/Reporter of CIA Drug Trafficking and author of "Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion" committed suicide by 2 gunshots to the head, although his wife said it was a real suicide. Two months before his death, Webb wrote a revealing analysis in the Sacramento News of US Military's multiplayer game "America's Army", released fourth of july after 9/11, as a recruitment tool for a high-tech army of the future. (drone operators). The article contained the quote, '"The Army and the Defense Department have a very long history of conducting unethical, illegal experiments upon soldiers and civilians,” Thompson angrily reminded players in a posting to the official Army Web site. “This ‘game’ is yet another experiment upon the unsuspecting pawns who play it. You are the latest guinea pigs.”' [?,U]
- Gerry Droller : CIA agent provocateur and spy involved in Bay of Pigs conpiracy. [UP]
- General Motors Streetcar Conspiracy : GM and other industries colluded and conspired to destroy National City Lines, a maker of public transportation / streetcars. [O]
- Gulf of Tonkin Incident : falsified reportage of a N. Vietnamese attack ln USS Maddox, incited the US into the 20 yrs longVietnam War, killing over 300,000. A bloody, needless, terrible war with no winners except for owners of the defence industry. [U,P]
- Gunpowder Plot (1605) : Jesuit plot to kill protestant King James VI, kidnap Elizabeth Stuart, and place her on throne as a puppet Catholic queen. [J]
- HAARP : High Altitute Auroral Research Program -- use of research facility in weather control. David Walker, deputy assistant secretary of the USAF for STEM, "We're moving on to other ways of managing the ionosphere, which the HAARP was really designed to do...To inject energy into the ionosphere to be able to actually control it. But that work has been completed." Conspiracy theorists were right. But the subtext is they have something 'better'. [U]
- The Informant named "Curveball" : Chemical engineer who defected from Iraq claimed they had weapons. This false testimony was used by the DIA to fool Americans into giving consent of the US military invasion of Iraq. The mobile chemical weapons lab was later found to be a milk pasteurization facility. Curveball is living in political asylum in Germany, and hasn't been hung for treason by any country. And need I remind you the 'mockery' of the word 'curveball' in this particular context. [U, Germany]
- Indonesian occupation of East Timor : Indonesia's military occupation of East Timor from 75-99. 1999 UN Security Council resolution UNTAET described the history of [the occupation[ as a "systematic, widespread and flagrant violations of international and human rights law" [I]-[Indonesia]
- In-Q-Tel -- CIA venture capital company that secretly invested in Google from beginning [U,O]
- Iran-Contra Affair -- US sold weapons to Iran violating embargo, to support Nicaraguan militants. More on this. Wikipedia article. [U,P,M]
- Jack Abramoff Indian Lobbying scandal [O,P]
- Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory show disappearing from DVRs : Minor conspiracy involving the cable companies removal of Ventura's Police state episode from DVRs. Minor but important in that it demonstrates the police state ecology and its effect on the spectrum of information we are allowed to receive. [U,O]
- Lewinsky Scandal : Spook Linda Tripp (army intelligence secretary) working for Bush and Clinton wiretapped Clinton and Lewinski's relationship and leaked it, leading to Clinton's impeachment, his conspiracy with Lewinski and Paula Jones to obstruct justice and commit perjury, and his famous play with words "what your definition of 'is' is". Note this is a two-sided-conspiracy: illegal surveillence and its attempt at coverup. (Many people like myself, think the whole thing was stupid white house drama.) [U,P,O]
- Ludlow Massacre : Colorado National Guard killed two dozen protesting unionized coal miners on behalf of Rockefellers [O]
- NWO - New World Order, verified by perpetrators themselves, David Rockefeller, as well as Zibiniew Bryzinski**[G,U,I,J,M,F,O,P]
- National Crime Syndicate : Italian and Jewish mafias of 1930s-60s [M]
- Non-state Terrorist attacks : List of terror attacks by various groups not affiliated with the state, such as the KKK or other RWAmilitias.
- Oklahoma City Bombing : The ending event in a series of government skirmish events involving right-wing-militias such asWaco, Ruby Ridge and The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord. The first 9/11, a false flag intended to tighten security and cement in the mind of Americans the need for gun control because of the rise of right-wing-authoritarian groups, and served as predictive programming for 9/11. This is a big claim. Do your research (below). [U,P]
- Oklahoma City Bombing -- A Conspiracy Theory, by Open Source Intelligence Investigator CorbettReport** -- ex-spook insider John Peeler interview** -- another interview to alamo ministry**, and Apr 20,2006 interview with Greg Szymanski** fromthis link**
- Operation 40 : Cuban exiles group used in Bay of Pigs invasion [U,P,M]
- Operation TP-Ajax : CIA plot to overthrow democratically elected Prime Minister to reinstall Monarchy and guarantee future problems with radical Islam, Iran, and perpetual war, because we like war and hate capitalism, actually. No, that's not it. We like us. US. [U,P] Also, tp as in toilet paper and ajax as in soap to clean up. That's what the cia thought of the middle east btw. More mockery of humanity.
- Operation Black Eagle : Albanian mafia importing heroin into the US. [M]
- Operation Chaos : Nixon and Johnsons's paranoiac surveillance, tracking and reporting plan embedded agents into all aspects of student antiwar organizations; operation to undermine the counter-culture by harassment, entrapment, and gaslighting the public. [U,P]
- Operation Charly : Argentine-CIA counterinsurgency [U]
- Operation Dormouse : Notice that link doesn't work. Interesting huh? Here's one that does., and here's another in case they scrub that one too
- Operation Freakout : Church of Scientology's covert plan intended to have the U.S. author and journalist Paulette Cooper imprisoned or committed to a psychiatric hospital [O]
- Operation Gladio : NATO conspiracy to create a network of agents acting as a 'stay behind' army to take over Europe, ostensibly "in the event of an emergency soviet/communist attack". Connected to Propaganda Due and the deep state created by the secret lodge. [G,J, U,P,F,O]
- Operation Himmler : German false flag to incite Polish aggression. [F]
- Operation Menu : US covert bombing of Cambodian sanctuaries. [U]
- Operation Midnight Climax : CIA dosed prostitutes with LSD and watched them have sex behind mirrors. "Because of important research with US tax dollars, guys." Subproject of MKULTRA [U,P]
- Operation Mockingbird : CIA infiltration of media and publishing with agents to push CIA's cryptofascist, authoritarian, hawkish defense-industry-promoting views. [G,U,I,J,M,F,O,P]
- Operation Northwoods : proposed false-flag of CIA against Cuba, turned down by JFK. We know what happens next. [U,P]
- Operation Paperclip : US intelligence recruitment of over 1600 Nazi scientists into US military intelligence. With Paperclip came mass psychology, ritual abuse studies that became the basis of future project MKULTRA. In Paperclip over 7000 US soldiers were subjected to Nazi experimentation, including testing poisonous gas and LSD on them, in the name of security. Everything the public wanted them not to do.
- Operation PBSUCCESS : CIA sponsored Guatemalan coup d’etat of 1954 [U,P]
- Operation PBFORTUNE : precursor to PBSUCCESS [U,P]
- Operation Satinique : Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior, Greenpeace's flagship, for protesting French nuclear test near New Zealand by France's CIA. 1 died, ten others thrown into the water by bombs planted on the ship. [DGSE]
- Operation Snow White : The Church of Scientology broke into US government offices in order to steal information and purge unfavorable records about the church. It was one of the largest infiltrations of the United States government in history, with up to 5000 cover agents worldwide. (How Scientology continues to exist is well beyond me. They must have gotten some juicy blackmailable info.) [P]
- Operation Washtub: CIA-organized false flag operation to plant a phony Soviet arms cache in Nicaragua to demonstrate Guatemalan ties to Moscow [U]
- Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii : by US Marines and help from US Citizens [U,P]
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