Sep 22, 2005 14:29
As if the stars knew :P Checked out my horoscope for today (although it's been right on the money for a few days now) and was quite amused at how it puts my thoughts right into words. What I've been feeling, but couldn't quite explain (why I don't know-cause I'm a wierdo, I guess) it just says:
September 22 2005
If you find yourself needing to do something in order to escape your life for a while, then maybe you need to examine your life more closely. Instead of working on figuring out the best means of escape, work on figuring out the best means for making your life more enjoyable to live. Make sure you are happy with yourself and the things that you are doing. If not, it is time for a change.
For those who know me, I don't need to say anymore...