Jan 20, 2006 18:04
1) How old do you wish you were? 29
2) Where were you when 9/11 happened? at work, in shock, scared, angry.
3) What do you do when vending machines steal your money? bang it with my fist, shake it, kick it, shake it, curse at it, shake it, spray graffiti on it, unplug it, kick it one more time for good measure.
4) Do you consider yourself kind? yes. You should see what I do to actual vendors.
5) When you see a homeless person on the side of the road...
I am unfazed.
6) If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
left arm. balance out the one on my right arm, ya know.
7) If you could be fluent in any other language? tagalog & spanish, instead of the broken tagalog & spanish that I speak now.
8) Do you know your neighbors?
Next door neighbor is awesome, neighbors across the street suck moose ass.
9) What do you consider a vacation? Tuscany. Italian chicks. Pudding.
10) Do you check your horoscope? no
11) Would you move for the person you loved? depends. where/when/why is she going?...can I find work there?...can I easily visit NY when I want to?...does this place have pudding?
12) Are you touchy feely? more so when there's pudding
13) Do you believe that opposites attract? yes, if there's pudding
14) Dream job? porn star, roadie, strip club manager, lounge singer, warden of a female prison, pudding factory owner, Kate Beckinsale's gynecologist, minigolf caddy
15) Dream car? ubersized suv hybrid. Best of both worlds.
16) Favorite channel? Food Network, ESPN, History Channel
17) Favorite place to go on weekends? Wherever, as long as I'm in good company
18) Showers or Baths? showers. more effective in rinsing off pudding.
19) Do you paint your nails? not since the Kate Beckinsale pudding incident
20) What do you like the most about yourself? my mind
21) What do you like the least? can't get pudding out of my mind.
22) Do you trust people easily? no
23) Do you live alone? most starving students don't
24) What truly frightens you? good acting in porn, bald chicks, mullets, hermaphrodites, hermaphrodites with mullets, bald hermaphrodites, shakespearean-trained hermaphrodites in porn, bald shakespearean-trained hermaphrodies in porn with mullets (use your imagination).
25) What are your phobias? redundant questions in succession
26) Do you want kids? do they come with MILFs?
27) Do you keep a handwritten journal? no, thanks to this %&%$*&&@..$.. blog survey crap
28) Where would you rather be right now? No-tell motel. Kate Beckinsale. Pudding.
29) Who would you like to be more honest with? myself
30) Who makes you feel guilty? the judge
31) Are you a heavy or light sleeper? heavy
32) Are you a good dancer? no, but I manage
33) Are you paranoid? Why, what have you heard?
34) Are you impatient? I'm an aries.
35) Who can you relate to? Ron Jeremy, Emo Phillips, Martin Yan, Morley Safer, Carrot Top, Mary Carey, Zamfir, Pol Pot, Ed Asner, Quato
36) Would you ever have plastic surgery? if it were medically necessary
37) Would you ever break the law? not in Singapore
38) Do you believe in the afterlife? yes