Liz Ryan's Advices

Nov 01, 2016 11:35

Ten Things I Couldn’t Care Less About When I'm Hiring

Hiring people is such an organic and human activity, it kills me to see how many companies do it badly. They try to make recruiting a linear, data-driven and analytical process, but that's impossible, because recruiting is all about the energy that flows between and among people.

It has nothing to do with data. It has nothing to do with particles - like all human activities, it is all about waves!

Recruiting has nothing to do with keyword-searching algorithms. How sad it is to see how my HR profession has devolved!

We can bring the human element back into recruiting and make it the human, organic process it always should have been. Smart companies are doing this already. They’ve gotten rid of their lumbering, wheezing Applicant Tracking Systems and their pointless personality tests and insulting, scripted interview questions.

They are throwing out their broken recruiting systems and learning to hire people, not bundles of skills and certifications. Their shareholders and customers will be glad they made the shift!

When I hire people, here are ten things I couldn't care less about:

10. Your scores on personality tests
9. Your past or present salary
8. Your age
7. Employment gaps
6. Industry experience
5. GPAs and other forms of externally-conferred recognition
4. Tasks and duties
3. "Progressively more responsible positions" on a person’s resume
2. Blue-chip employers
1. Impressive educational credentials

Ten Things I Look For When I'm Hiring

I couldn't care less whether someone I am considering for a job opening has done the job before. If they've already done the job, my first question will be "Why do you want to do the same thing again?" I want to understand a job-seeker's path. Where is he or she headed?

That doesn't mean that I expect or want someone to have a five-year plan. I certainly don't have a five-year plan. Five years is a long time. Why would I try to box in Mother Nature?

I have a vision that I’m working toward - but I wouldn’t ask a job applicant, “What’s your vision for yourself?” That’s a personal question. I only need to know why this job makes sense for you, apart from the fact that you need a job.

I ran a job ad for an Editor one time and got 150 responses. In the job ad I said, "In your email response please share two or three reactions to our latest newsletter" and I included the link to our newsletter.

Of the 150 or so responses, 40 people included comments on the newsletter, and the vast majority of those reactions were "It's a nice newsletter".

Ten people shared thoughtful comments on our newsletter, and we interviewed those ten folks. One of them got the job.

Of the ten people we interviewed for the Editor position, only two people had had Editor titles before. One person was a stage manager and another one had been working in Finance but burned out on it. Past experience in many areas (not all!) is overrated.

"Industry experience" is a particularly stupid job requirement, because having spent time in different industries is a good thing, not a bad thing!

Most intellectually-curious adults can perform most white-collar jobs, if we are honest. If we hired people based on their brains and pluck instead of the words on their resume, we’d make better hires, faster, and get better results, but we are afraid to take a chance on a person.

That's crazy, but there is a lot of fear in the working world.

Most of the nonsense that job-seekers must put up regarding their Job Qualifications is based on the fiction that you have to have done a job already in order to get the job.
It makes no sense!

Here are the 10 things I look for when I'm hiring people:

1. I look for someone who is curious.
2. I look for someone who is game - who has tried things just for the heck of it, and has taken risks.
3. I look for someone who’s confident.
4. I look for someone who can communicate his or her thoughts clearly, and who has opinions.
5. I look for someone genuine.
6. I look for someone who has taken the time to investigate our organization and think about it.
7. I look for someone who is looking to learn and can tell me a few important thing s/he has already learned.
8. I look for someone with a sense of humor.
9. I look for someone who is reliable and ethical.
10. Lastly, I look for someone who isn’t afraid of me, managers in general or anyone else.

english, работа

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