Nov 19, 2013 17:11
The Pirkei Avos writes (1:5) : "Do not have excessive conversation with a woman. They said this regarding one's own wife, even more so with other women. Anyone who has excessive conversation with a woman, causes evil to himself, neglect his Torah studies and will in the end inherit Gehinnom."
And because the Rabbis warned that a man should not talk too much with his wife, whoever talk too much with his wife causes evil to himself.
The reason for that is that a man who talks too much to his wife is pulled towards a reality that is in a state of lacking/missing (kedushah) to which evil attaches itself. As I have said before, says the Maharal, when the woman, Chava, was created, the soton was created along with her. The soton is the angel of death and a force that is attracted by beings who are in lack of kedushah. The woman is more attached to the material world and is at a lesser spiritual level than the man. Because the woman is lower on the spiritual ladder, the soton is attracted to her. It’s not that woman is not spiritual, but in comparison to the man, she is more materialistic and less spiritual.
The isn’t a fault in the woman's make up at all and she is just fine as she is. But when a man is pulled after a woman, to which "eder" (lack/void) (the Maharal adds, "there is nothing worse than "eder", as is well known") attaches itself, his spiritual status is being lowered and this evil to him.
Такого объяснения я еще не видала. Махараль жжот. Особенно смешно в свете вышеизложенного выглядят вопли апологетов насчет не-служения женщин золотому тельцу или что женщины не нуждаются в таком же количестве мицв как мужчины, потому что якобы и так хороши.