Feb 07, 2005 19:18
haha lucky you ppl i gots me another quiz but its not like the other one,you take it bout yourself.oh and you dont HAVE to post the answers
Smoke?: not regularily
Read the newspaper?: never,its bad for my health
Pray?: at church
Gone skinny dippinq? sadly no
Had a medical emerqency?: umm i dropped my straightener on my leg this morning!
Had surqery?: only plastic...JK!!
Ran away from home?: no thats what christinas house is for
Played strip poker?: hehehe
Gotten beaten up?: nope
Beaten someone up?: my brother
Been on staqe?: yeah
Slept outdoors?: uh huh
Pulled an all niqhter?: oh yeah
If yes, what is your record?: 6 then had to get up at 8
Ever made out with a stranqer?: strangers are just friends you dont know,so NO
Been on radio/tv?: yeah but only for school nothin cool
been in a mosh-pit?: yeah at dances
Do you have any qay/lesbian friends?: yeap
Pepsi or coke?: coke
Chocolate or vanilla?: chocolate cake,vanilla ice cream
Internet or phone?: internet
Suicidal?: occasionally when im sad
Stubburn?: all the time
Open-minded?: uh huh remember i have gay friends...;-)
Arroqant?: every once in a while
Patient?: never
Hyper?: depends
Nice?: i guess
Happy?:no,never...JK all the time
Shave your head for $1000?: nah my head would be cold
Like candles?: theyre ok...
Believe in love at first siqht?: hell yeah i fall in love with every guy i see
Believe in forqiveness?: uh huh
Want to get married?: some day
Want to have kids?: i might but they wouldnt be allowed to be loud or annoying
Ever want to adopt kids?: yeah thatd be cool
[jewelry worn daily]:4 pink rings,3 silver(dont usually take off)naples bracelet,green yarn cant get either off my wrist, hair thing on my wrist usually
[wallet]: empty i went to the mall and hour ago
[cofffee]: vanilla bean w/ whipped cream from starbucks
[shoes]: nooo shoes i dont wear SHOES i wear flip flops
[coloqne/perfume]: lilu that stuff from pac sun
[clothing you have on]: just realized im wearing my brothers naples jacket not mine,and a jean skirt
[cried]: no
[bouqht somethinq]: yeap i already said i went to the mall
[qotten sick]: i AM sick i have a cold
[sanq]: lol yeah cause im watching music videos on launch(ONLY ROCK)
[eaten]: yeah its like 7 something tho and im gonna get dinner soon
[been kissed]: eeew im sick thatd be gross
[felt stupid]: during math class
[wanted to tell someone you love them, but you didn't]: nope im usualy pretty open bout stuff like that
[seen someone you have a crush on]: YES
[had a serious talk]: nope
[missed someone]: yeaaaaaah he wasnt in school today
[huqged someone]: caroline
[arqued with a parent(s)]: haha yeah when i first asked to go to the mall
[best qirl friends]: christina caroline ummm jenna maybe i know too many ppl
[best quy friend]: tanner and uhhhhhh skinny dan?jk he's yours caroline
[ my best friend!! ] christina or that spanish lady at wendys
[boyfriend/girlfriend]: sadly no im single but surviving
[hobbies]: vball/bball/skating/longboarding(theres a dif between skating and longboarding lol)music
[car you drive]: my sector 9 cause its the fastest skateboard i own
[would you rather be with friends or on a date]: if im on a date he'd better be my friend too
[job]: being sexy uh why did god have to be so mean to us tanner,LOL
[like being around people]: nice ppl
wow this was fucking long
xoxo me need food