
Nov 12, 2007 14:04

Usually Monday's don't go so well for me, but I'm thinking this one has and will continue to.  I know that I stress out too much, but I'm glad that I do right now. I've finished my papers and homework that I've been assigned ahead of time, and now my classmates are flipping out cause everything is due, but I'm actually ahead of the game. I stayed at Mike's this past weekend and ended up staying last night so I got to sleep in, see him for a few, then drive home and exercise while I watched the commentaries for Window of Opportunity and Divide and Conquer, which I really enjoyed. I did the elliptical for an hour, and since I've been blah for the past couple of weeks I've decided to kick it up a couple of notches on my exercising. I'm hitting numbers on the scale that I haven't seen in several years, and I've lost 28 pounds since January 1st. My goal is to lose another 7 before the begining of the new year so that I will have lost 35 pounds in a year. I probably could have lost more if I hadn't had a little relapse at the end of the summer, but what I have accomplished so far is pretty good. Plus I now have an obsession with the scale which will help me not fall down to the slippery slope of gaining 40 pounds in a year like I did last year. It's not been easy, but I'm hoping that my desire to not fail will help me through the holiday months, which are always the hardest for me, in more ways than one.

Well, I have to go give an exam to my undergrads, pick up Emma, make dinner, and clean and outline a chapter for the rest of the night. I'm really happy that I only have one more week of school before Thanksgiving break!
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