happy post today :)

Oct 29, 2007 11:24

I had a pretty great weekend. Friday I cleaned the house from top to bottom....it took me like 5 hours, and I gave dad and katie a HUGE lecture about how it has to stay this way cause I am NOT doing this again. Mike came up, fixed the internet after several hours of frustration (thank you honey!!!) and we went out to meet Jolene and her friends at a bar and for bowling.  I sucked at it, but Mike got second and broke 100. Well really we all sucked, cause that isn't a fantastic score. Then we came home and slept for like 10 hours. On saturday we got up a little before noon and i worked on my paper some more while Mike played on his computer.  Most of the day was spent working on various homework, but we did go see Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix again at 9:30. I loved it just as much the second time, and it still made me jump even though I knew what was coming! Then we grabbed a few groceries, came home and didn't get to sleep til like 2 again, which may explain why I didn't fall asleep last night til 2. My sleep schedule is all messed up! On sunday we got up at 10, I finally finished my paper (it's 13 pages alltogether) and hung out for a while before he left to go home and buy his new video game. I did some other homework assignments and relaxed for the rest of the night.

Today starts a very busy week. I'm getting ready to go to campus to proctor an exam and go to class. Then I'm going to hit the gym, although I gotta be careful cause my hip is sore as all get out for some reason. Lots of studying to do cause I have a mega hard exam on Thursday, so no Halloween fun for me. On the plus side, I've lost another 1/2 pound, which is crazy since I ate like crap this weekend (no thanks to you Mike).
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