I think what happens is that I start writing posts, and they get bigger and bigger and bigger because so much time has gone by. And then I don't post them because they've taken so long to write that whatever I said is no longer relevant.
So, the short version: those of you who liked Ruth in Spooks should definitely check out this season of Scott and Bailey, because Nicola Walker has a recurring role in it and she is amazing. (The story goes somewhere very, very unpleasant, though, because Scott and Bailey plots tend to.)
Also, Rachel still has a ridiculous amount of personal life drama.
My new favorite show is Nashville, which means that it will probably be cancelled. But I love it!
Actually, last week's episode, the one just after Teddy asks for a divorce, was my least favorite so far: I like Rayna best when she isn't looking quite so wounded. But there was still a lot to like, especially Juliet's scene at the end, telling the story about her 9th birthday. Oh, Juliet. She is my woobie, and I want everyone to give her lots of hugs so that she will live happily ever after and get everything she wants.
Especially a chance to play at the goddamn Blackbird.
(I love Juliet because she's such a monster, and because you can see why she's such a monster. I love the same thing about Rayna, and I love to watch them attack each other.)
I have been much less interested in Scarlett, because she is not a monster, but I am growing to appreciate her quick bluntness. I like how she talks so quickly to keep anyone from talking over her. I think the thing about Scarlett is that up to now she she has seemed very passive to me; she does a lot of reacting to things other people do, and not a lot of time taking charge of things. Although that looks a bit like it's changing, at least in her relation to Gunnar (they decided to complicate having accidentally contributed to the death of Gunnar's brother by having sex -- this won't end well, will it?) But a couple of weeks ago there was a scene in which Gunnar and Avery literally came to blows about who had the better claim to her, while she was just... there for them to fight over.
But that passivity is actually very like Deacon, who seems at least recently to spend a lot of time being the territory over which Juliet and Rayna compete -- so maybe it's a family trait. He does a lot of caretaking as well (I'm sure there's something to my sense that Rayna is basically "the man" in all of her relationships). The difference is that I am really, really involved in Juliet and Rayna's rivalry with each other, and can't wait to see what they do next to each other, whereas with Gunnar and Avery, it's just romantic jealousy, and who cares?
Which is more grist for the gender-reversal mill, probably; add as well Juliet's proposal to the no-sex-before-marriage football player. It was done for all the worst reasons, but she still did it. And I am completely convinced that up to the moment he asked for a divorce Rayna believed that she would be able to continue whatever her thing with Deacon is on the road, while Teddy stayed home to look after the family. I don't really care much about Teddy, but I do look forward to seeing him disengage with his evil ex-father-in-law (who can only see this as the total betrayal it is!) especially now that he's allied with Bunny Colvin. (I know, I know, whatever.)
I have some hope that we will quickly return to the Rayna vs. Juliet stuff, though, since that's absolutely at the heart of my love for this show. I mean, I kind of want them to thaw to each other, a little, but only a very little. Especially because Rayna does not need a substitute daughter, and Juliet needs to cope with the mother that she has, not some other mother-figure -- so that kind of relationship is out. Juliet wants to be Rayna's equal, but Rayna can't allow that, can she?
For the record, I know absolutely nothing about country music, nor do I care greatly; it has not impacted my enjoyment of this show in the least.
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