all the cool kids are doing it...

Sep 13, 2007 17:52

I took the career-finding quiz thing; it told me I should be a historian. ::facepalm:: The next choice was criminologist, though, which sounds pretty neat. After that? Writer. ::facepalm, again::

My TV-watching schedule is a bit up in the air -- I sometimes forget to pay attention until a week or two into the season, when the rest of you can tell me what's good. Also, sometimes the Canadian scheduling monkeys make things conflict that would not otherwise do so, or help me avoid conflicts I would otherwise have, or show things on totally different nights for reasons best known to them. But here, tentatively, are shows I will try to watch at least once next year.

Heroes will be back, and I will watch it. I'm not fannish about this show, and there are things about it that really, really bug me, but it will have David Anders in it and apparently Nichelle Nichols, too, and that is enough to keep me watching. And I guess if I really hate it, I can take a look at K-Ville instead.

I will also try Journeyman, although I suspect that it may irritate me. But it has time travel and that guy who played Lucius Vorenus on Rome, and apparently the guy who played Mike Kellerman on Homicide, so even though the plot sounds kind of dumb, I will watch a bit of it.

If the scheduling gods are kind, I will also watch Everybody Hates Chris, for lo, it is really funny and the only show with a voiceover that does not make me cringe. Actually, if the people who wrote the Everybody Hates Chris voiceovers took over the voiceovers for Heroes, I would like Heroes about 300% more.

Due to living in Canada, and my cable package, I do not get BBC America, but I see that Top Gear is coming to BBC-America. You should all watch this show! It is really funny! Very un-politically correct, especially about environmental stuff. Still, I love it with a firey passion, especially when they blow up caravans.

There are a lot shows I want to watch on Tuesdays, although none of them are shows I really care about: there's N.C.I.S., which I like well enough, and Bones, which I started watching late this summer and find entertaining, and The Unit, which I stopped watching in its first year because it was too sexist even for me, but started again last year, and now they're all on the run or something, so I may go back to it.

I will probably give The Reaper a try, if other people tell me it's good, but the new show I am really looking forward to is Cane, because it sounds awful and soapy and has Jimmy Smits in it, and I really am just that shallow.

Pushing Daisies looks like it might be worth watching -- they solve crimes! -- but the show I am most looking forward to is the Bionic Woman remake. Yay! I hope it turns out to be good, and does not get axed early on.

Life sounds kind of dubious, but does have Robin Weigart in it, so if it isn't on too late, I will try it out. (Because of Atlantic Time, sometimes shows which are on at 10 ET are broadcast here at 11, which is too late for me to still be awake and watching TV by Wednesday. I have to really, really want to watch a show to watch it from 11-12.)

Obviously, Supernatural owns my television-watching soul on Thursday nights. Other than that, there's Ugly Betty, but I am not sure what I think about that show's sudden turn towards the tragic at the end of last season.

Is NBC ever going to cancel ER?

Friday is shaping up to be a big TV night for me, which is great because I usually come home and collapse on the couch, unable to form coherent sentences, on Friday evenings. I am just hoping that the scheduling monkeys allow me to watch more than two of these shows.

I am so glad that Friday Night Lights is on on Fridays now, even though it is the kiss-of-death night, because when it was shown on Tuesdays I had a lot of trouble remembering that. I will watch that and Numbers (they solve crimes! with math!) for sure, even though I have some bad memories of the Numbers finale last year ::waves hands and says that never happened a lot::

I think that Space will be showing Blood Ties on Fridays, as well. This may require some juggling.

If the scheduling gods permit I may also be able to watch Moonlight, which looks a bit like a remake of Angel, but probably with worse scripts, and Men in Trees, which is dumb but sometimes has Nick Lea in it.

The Weekend:
There is nothing I want to watch on Saturdays.

Sunday has in the past been a good night, but right now the only thing catching my eye is Dexter, and it may be on too late here; maybe I will watch football, instead. Maybe I will write.

I ought to find out when SGA is on, up here. Maybe this will be the year I actually watch it.

miscellaneous television, memes

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