Jericho: Casus Belli

Apr 20, 2007 21:51

Is that what it was called? These are really just scattered observations, nothing coherent, but I am still being avoidant about packing etc.

New Bern is my absolute favorite plotline, so I thought this was a fun episode. There are some giant plotholes -- like, why send the ten men (well, nine of them) back to Jericho, just before you invade? I guess it might allay suspicions, and if you're building mortars ten guys more or less isn't much difference. I kind of love the idea that New Bern is about to invade Jericho, too, because it is both obvious and the craziest idea ever. I mean, "we have no food, but we do have a factory to make mortars, so lets just steal food from our neighbors," is a time-honored tradition. And yet it seems that only Constantino and a handful of others know about this plan, so it's possible that the invasion will not be all that coherent, when the time comes.

Plus, Hawkins has his very own nuclear deterrent. Perhaps Johnston will let him put it on the tank. (Yes, I am obsessed with Johnston and his tank, whatever.)

I guess some of the food-shortage plotline is to do with the idea that in most towns, Ravenwood came through and cleaned the whole place out -- although that still doesn't explain the shortages in Jericho.

I hope that Heather isn't really dead. I know the show could kill her off, offscreen, and that would be that -- it would clear the way for the Jake/Emily romance, I guess -- but I really want her to be alive. I like Heather, damn it! (I also appreciated the information that she'd been staying with Ted while working in New Bern.) Maybe Heather can save the day!

I have a feeling that if I think about the New Bern plotline too long it will stop making any sense at all, but I don't care.

So there was some other stuff, too, like Jimmy saying, "That sounded a lot less insensitive in my head," about Darcy and Hawkins making up, and going on to interrogate the boy anyway. Jimmy is a better character than I thought he would be.

Stanley is home! Yay! Sean is such an idiot, really. It's hysterical, watching Stanley try not to blow his top. And I love the way Mimi and Bonnie are covering for each other, now.

I liked Johnston bonding with what's her name over the still, and Mrs. green adamantly refusing to accept her. I like how she can't help being bitchy.

The whole thing with the salt mine might be interesting, but I lost track of who owns what now.

I really wish the episode had been called "Guns and Butter," by the way. And I did like it, even though it was full of things that didn't make much sense at all.


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