I should post something, shouldn't I? Consider this a placeholder, like the title says. BH arrived safely, and stayed awake long enough to watch BSG and Rome. I will post about Rome at some later point. Really. For some reason I am kind of sleepy this morning; I'm trying to write reference letters, but they're going slowly
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I can almost guarantee that you will like Primeval even more after episode...3?
And thank you!
Nick is less Jack than Helen is Irina. Don't know what he sees in the stultifyingly dull Claudia. But Jack/Stephen! Stephen/Helen! Lester/Everybody!!
Oooh. I hadn't thought of that, at least not yet.
I can definitely see the Helen Cutter/Irina Derevko parallel. I think it's the first thing I've seen Juliet Aubrey in since Middlemarch, and she's magnificent at doing playfully untrustworthy. You can't help but like her, even though she's clearly Bad News.
The dodos were terribly cute.
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