(no subject)

Apr 12, 2004 14:24

The mixture of really warm weather and a visit from my mother-in-law and her partner was not conducive to time spent in front of the computer, and now I don't think I'll ever catch up on my FL.

I keep thinking of things to post and then forgetting them, as well. Very bad.

I've just given up on the plot holes. Unless Sloane is in fact Rambaldi, or can travel in time. I do note that my original impression, that Il Dire is roughly the size of a minivan, was confirmed by seeing it at work, and it obviously still needs the De Regno heart to work, although how the De Regno heart got separated from it over the last couple of years is a mystery I fear will never be solved.

But yeah, I said I wasn't going to poke at the holes.

So here are a few things of interest: in an episode full of false relationships, interesting that Sark was the one person who was apparently telling someone the truth. His reference to Lauren as "an asset" reminded me of his failed machinations to save Allison in S2; I wonder whether this will end any better? I also wonder whether the two triangular relationships parallel each other--that is, if Jack and Irina are meant to be parallel to Vaughn and Lauren, does that make Sloane and Sark parallels as well? Or do their respective attachments--Sark to Lauren, Sydney to Vaughn--imply a comparison between Sark and Sydney?

Was anyone else appalled by Sydney's attempt to "catch" Lauren by phoning her mother? And should I presume that her mother informed Lauren that Sydney was on her trail?

I like to speculate, because from speculation comes fiction, but I can't help feeling that I'm over-thinking the situation.

I will miss Bomani, although he was frightfully underused (no shock there) but I also believe it to have been a psychic shout-out, because just the other day, when thinking over that XF/Alias crossover bunny, I had Marita thinking, "Note to self: have Bomani killed before resurrecting Alex, or hide all machetes." No one else will think that's amusing, but it's my journal. Nyah, nyah, nyah.

I take Dixon's reference to Barnett's "sessions" with Sloane to imply that she was playing him all along, although I'm not pleased with the throw-away manner in which that was handled.

And how will they save my darling Sloane, now that Jack is all miffed about the adultery? I must love Jack, because I still find the slo-mo walk of doom sexy. It's only passion that can keep that from being tedious beyond belief. And the understatement of that last confrontation with Sloane was marvelous. jack didn't even need to speak: his eyes were shouting, "You betrayed me!" I can't wait to see how Sloane manages to save himself.

Oh, OK, here's a plot hole I *am* confused about: Sloane is being killed because he worked with Reed in the interests of the Covenant. But wasn't Sloane working undercover for the CIA when he did Covenant stuff? I'm so confused that I can't even frame why this seems strange to me. (Oh, wait--he couldn't tell the CIA because he was working for "the Trust" not "the Covenant" (and can it possibly be coincidence that these are practically synonyms?)--and Reed wasn't actually Covenant at all. For a moment I thought that the evidence was planted by Lauren and Olivia to substantiate the claim that the Senator was Covenant. And does Jack now believe that the Trust was infiltrated by the Covenant in the person of Senator Reed? Since only Jack knows that the Trust exists, right?

I'm so fucking confused. I think I'd better do some real work.

alias, alias s3

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