Moving day.

Jun 17, 2011 14:54

All right! Movin' on over to newwwww journal, that is MYRIODDITY, yup, hopefully to actually be updated now & again. Still in the process of adding people, etc. but much like vazavati it will be not at all friends-only, by & large, so. if I have added you over at myrioddity it means that I would like to continue to be your friend, please, for all my delinquency!

also, I am @ myrioddity over on Tumblr as well though I don't really use it much yet because I'm still going OKAY WHAT IS THIS--still, if you've got a tumblr, let me know! I use it more to follow people than for any other reason at the moment, much like how I've been using this journal for a while now. xD Always up for stalking people on the Internet.


farewell & adieu ye dear Spanish ladies, farewell and adieu, ye ladies of Spain, until we remember the rest of the words for the crown of old England, or something, or something, it's thirty-five leeeeeagues
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