Wordage. YouTube. Apologies. Expo. Death Note II. Bleak Expectations. Droo

May 21, 2008 16:12

Premonitory: discussion.
Brains are wierd things. 'Premonitory' is the word I wanted (Giving premonition; serving to warn beforehand). But I wrote it down a millionty ways, looked it up in the dictionary, but it still looks wrong to me. My mental voice keeps saying I've written 'premonetary' which apparently, isn't a word, but I would use to as an adjective to describe a community that was still based in direct trade, rather than having worked out some form of currency.

Go figure.

You Tube joy
First one was snaffled from a comment left by rozella_rising in annieroo2's LJ - but it had to be passed on. Not only does it share the same aesthetic as the fake-books used in Monster, which I adore, but it's Russian, and thus I must share the love with irreprable.

The Tree and the Cat

I follow this with the wonderful comic stylings of Don H: When balloons go bad. I gacked this from xlovexlolitax, but I know I've seen his stuff pop up elsewhere on the flist in icon-form.

I'm not ignoring anyone. I promise I'll reply to those outstanding missives soon. Blame wierd stomach aches and sleeping far too much (I've gone from my usual 6 hours, to 11 or 12 over the last few days). I seem to be better today though, so -

London Expo
Looks likely for Saturday. Here for more info. I've already been spamming misumaru with my squee (particularly over Alessandro Juliani, who does both the dubbed voice for L in Death Note AND plays Gaeta in Battlestar Galactica. Oh man, could you win any harder?).

If that isn't enough win for the weekend -

Death Note II and Bleak Expectations
The live action Death Note II film hits the ICA on Monday. So I shall be going. Hopefully with tickets that I WIN (I have entered a competition. If I don't win, I shall still go). And then, later in the day, PLB and myself will be tootling off to listen to Bleak Expectations be recorded for radio, for those tickets I won arrived yesterday. Did I mention it has Anthony (Stewart) Head in it? Probably not. My bad. IT HAS ANTHONY STEWART HEAD IN IT!! I promise not too fangirl him. Much.

Oh and I might be fitting a Eurovision party in there somewhere...


So the (first?) big shake-up announcement has been made. I'd heard plenty of rumours that had a fair bit of clout behind them, plus a few statements which were better than mere speculation, but now I can say I'm pleased about the helm change. Very pleased.

Perhaps even more annoyed now that I'll be missing the next Droo ep, for I shall be in county Cork or Kerry, driving for the first time since October last year...and that was only for a day.

I kept writing Bleach, rather than Bleak. Hmmm why could that be, I wonder?

youtube, film, london, life, droo

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