SPN drabble

Jan 13, 2009 23:23

Title: Beads
Word Count:100
Rating: R
Spoilers: Indeterminate season 4 setting
Summary: Dean never used to pray - now he’s not sure if this counts.
Disclaimer: Not mine. No monies.

Written for supernatural100 prompt #160 - Absolution.

It's been a while since I've done one of these.


Each bead is a prayer even though Dean doesn’t pray. Each bead is a want, a wish, a hope, a desire; ‘I want to be safe,’ ‘I wish I was worthy,’ ‘I hope he stays,’ ‘I desire his forgiveness.’

He touches each bead with his finger, pressing them until they’re rendered invisible. He knows they’re inside; he can feel them like the other things he keeps deep.

He used know that he was the only power to be satisfied. Now he worries if that was blasphemy, worries if this is blasphemy; these beads, these desires -

But he prays anyway.

supernatural, writing, fiction

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