Harry/Draco Fests in 2015
Last updated: October 2, 2015
hd_familyfest: February 2015 -
Masterlist ♥
H/D Ever After Fairytale Fest: runs all year -
Claiming is open and stays open!
hd_remix: March 2015 -
Masterlist ♥
hd_hurtfest: April 2015 -
Masterlist ♥
dracotops_harry: April 2015 -
Masterlist! ♥
'That Picture' Flash Fest at
hd_remix: April 9-15 -
Masterlist ♥
hds_beltane Last and Final Round: May 2015 -
Masterlist ♥
harrydracompreg Fest: May 10 - June 21 -
Masterlist ♥
hd_smoochfest Songspiration: June 2015 -
Masterlist/Reveals ♥
hd_cliche Fest 2015: August 2015 -
Fest Entries NEW FEST
hd_collab Collaboration Fest with the Theme Hogwarts Subjects:
Masterlist ♥
Harry/Draco LDWS #7: July - August 2015
Masterlist ♥
bottom_draco Fest*
Transformations: September 2015 -
Posting! hd_fan_fair's
H/D Pottermore Fair: October 2015 - Posting starts October 2!
hd_fluff's Fluffy Halloween Fest: October 2015 -
Announcement and Prompting post, Posting stars October 11!
hd_fanart's H/D Fanart Fest: November 2015 -
Claiming is open until October 1! (
Prompt List). serpentinelion's Glompfest: will probably take place in the first quarter of 2016 - to be announced!
slythindor100's 25 Days of Harry/Draco: December 1 through 25, 2015
dracoharry100's Christmas Challenge: December 2015
hd_owlpost Winter Fest: December 2015 - Gifts are due November 25.
hd_erised: December 2015 - Fic and Art due November 9. Check-in October 2.
For a list of masterlists of HP Fests on month by month order, see
Harry Potter Fests 2015 and
hp_masterlists. For all your other HP fest needs, go to
* Not H/D only, but a lot of H/D.