Snowflake Challenge Day 11 - fannish resource: Writing with Color-tumblr

Jan 11, 2015 23:36

I am totally not doing the Snowflake Fandom Challenge this year. :) But I found this great resource last year that I'd love to share with you. Thus:

Day 11

In your own space, post a rec for fannish and/or creative resources. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

Mostly through the Good Omens fandom and tumblr I've become interested in how to write non-white characters, no matter whether the characters are generally perceived as white in canon or not. I find it not easy to come up with good ways to make non-white characters visible in an unobtrusive, non-stereotypical way (already this sentence took me a few minutes to phrase - do I say POC characters, do I say dark skinned characters?)

I found this tumblr incredibly helpful: Writing with Color.

Check out the Navigation for how many different themes the mods tackle. It is plain amazing.

I love reading the Braving Diversity Series for people who want to start writing diverse characters.

There is a Description Guide: Words for Skin Color which is an awesome resource for any writer about the power of vocabulary.

Writing with Color is huge, with loads of information and discussion. The mods even give Colorful Critiques where people can have their writing critiqued for how well they "write color".

I have not yet half discovered everything that is presented on Writing with Color but most of what I've read was to the point, intelligent and thought-provoking. Some of it makes me even more hesitant to dare to write recognisably non-white characters. But other stuff, wow, yes, that's how it can work. Do check it out.

writing with colour, writing, snowflake challenge

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