
Dec 01, 2005 16:59

EVERYBODY WHO IS CURRENTLY READING THIS, LJ OR NO: Give me a word. I do not want an ordinary word, I want an extraordinary word which I can actually utilize. My favorite word is desideratum, but where the can I use that outside of haiku? (See, it has 5 syllables.) Look in my userinfo to see if it's a possilbility that I already have the word you're giving me. Consider this a Christmas/holiday/whatever present because it really, really will be. You are thanked beyond all possible measure. *worships* *annoints your feet* *bows down and says random things in a chant-like voice* You're beautiful, I tell you.

My LiveJournal 12 DaysMy True Love gave to me...12 antiproses a-sleeping.11 ebcahavocs a-skating.10 tumblelollys a-sulking.9 _reticences a-grinding.8 sorryshauns a-munching.7 pescas a-drinking.6 overgrowngnomes a-piping.5 ruby mizugamis.4 hollering slipintoyous.3 Finnish life_disguiseds.2 canary yahgas.And a it_is_just in a pomegranate tree.Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

words, meme

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