Nov 03, 2005 21:51
The fact of the matter is...
Nobody cares about your acoustic guitar or your heart, all that people care about is how loud you say something. Honestly it has gotten to a point where it does not matter what it is that you are trying to say, everything is in how you say it. The universe is in your tone of voice, not in your rhymed speech to the people you need to hear you. The lyrics are not important, but the beat and voice are important. If you want to get attention, you have to stand out. If you want to stand out, you have to be cool, talk loud, talk over people, wear nice clothing, wear cool makeup, have a somewhat unique physical feature, look like what you are preaching, have conviction. Most of all you have to be able to deal with the fact that people are either going to not listen to you, or disagree with what you are telling them. You have to accept that there are people who will listen and those who will not listen, no matter how loud you are or how many reasons you have to persuade them. Sometimes people suck. Sometimes you suck. Sometimes you both suck in exactly the same way and neither of you realize it. You have to learn to adapt to your surroundings or you will never make it, or at least be happy, in such a place. "The body should be able to change directions at all times," whether that means going back or forward or staying still.