May 30, 2008 09:29
time for an update. i think i do this once a year or so where i'm like. oh yeah. livejournal. 5 people read this so i should tell them what's up.
working at bus this summer. it's relaxing but my days are long. i took opening so i could start my day off with some bus and be ready to do whatever it is i need to do.
i started biking in the morning while watching seinfeld. of course like any other thing that i try to do in terms of "working out" it isn't working out. mostly because of the summer schedule. and since we're only a week in, i haven't gotten into the groove yet. maybe things will look up. i also walk when i get a free chance. couple circles round the block and such.
most important of all. motorbicyle license! i'm itching to get a bike pretty hard and i've been relying on craigslist a lot. i'm gonna check out ebay too since i've heard good things. but this weekend jermy and i are going to check one out in sunapee. i'm fortunate to have people that are willing to go places with me to shop since i don't know so much. i'm gonna steal abe sometimes too i think. so if anybody knows of bicyles for sale, i'm looking for something between 250 and 500cc engines. preferrably in the middle of that since it's my first bike.
since i got the bicyle itch, and coupled with the fact that i barely use it to justify the expense, i have toyed with the idea of selling my car next year when my registration is up. i've always thought about it ever since i moved to dover. to get to work, i take the bus for free. if i want to go shopping, like at the mall, bus for free. food shopping, i often pool with kate. if i go home for family dinner, tim has a car. if i have an emergency situation, i can borrow a car if i give gas monies, or use my tba bicyle. so why bother with all the oil changes, the minor repairs, the fuel, the insurance etc etc... although i will say, it is fun to tinker with the car. i've learned a lot about car stuff thanks to tinkering. oil changes are easy and fun to do... anywho... i haven't decided completely but it's in the back of my mind. we'll see how things shape up when i get the bicyle.
in the musicy front. not so much progress. i still tinker here and there. shit happens. someday i still wanna buy a four track and play with that. maybe make a fallout shelter cd for fun. like xmas presents or something. and tinker! TINKER!
other than that... things are good.... ok... your turn!