Old Diesel Pickup Truck?

Sep 16, 2009 21:55

Who knows about buying a diesel truck and could help me?

As mechanically-inclined as I am, I am ashamed to admit how little I know about cars. I mean, I understand the components of an engine and the systems needed for a motor vehicle, but I have very limited practical/hands-on experience in fixing automobiles. This makes me a sad panda.

Long story short, I want a running diesel pickup truck that's got plenty of life left in it, manual transmission, is easy to work on, and inexpensive. I have no idea what this translates to, practically. A friend had suggested a 1998 Dodge 3/4-ton 2500 or 3500 12-valve Cummins diesel and that I'd pay between $3k-$7k. Okay, that's at least a starting point. I would love to have any thoughts from there.

Use Cases:
- Hauling scrap metal and misc. from the junk yard (for photography setups and metalwork)
- Bringing lumber and other large materials back to the house for repairs I need to do
- Displaying the "Yes this is my truck. No I will not help you move." bumper sticker
- Having a rugged and reliable vehicle in times that I would need to do repairs myself
- Make people hungry by burning homemade biodiesel so that my exhaust smells like delicious french fries

I don't care about aesthetics, but no rust, and needs to be should be in at least "good" mechanical condition (compared to "very good" or "excellent").

What should I look for? (Make/Model/Year/Features/Configuration)
What should I watch out for? (Engine/Transmission/Velociraptors)
What should I expect to spend? (Dollars/Hours/Chinese)
Where should I look? (Please don't look in the trunk)
What is the best way to attach a flame thrower? (Outside of the cab)

I don't need the truck now, but in six to twelve months I'd like to have one. I'm patient.


car, psa

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