Oct 15, 2008 17:09
I received a postcard from Sandisk, thanking me for my rebate submission, but explaining they were unable to process it because I didn't include the UPC barcode. Which is bullshit. I paperclipped that shit onto the form.
Over the last several years I've actually had pretty good luck with mail-in rebates (MIRs), which I think is largely due to a few class action lawsuits against companies that seemed to "misplace" an excessive number of rebates. I've largely quit tracking them, except for the big ones. Even then, I've become lackadaisical about it. This one was for $160 and I apparently couldn't be bothered with making a photocopy of the forms.
However, there is a happy ending. I called the number on the card, and within about 3 minutes I was speaking to a Real Live Person. I briefly explained that I had sent in the UPC, fully expecting to hear "No problem! We just need you to send our legal department a notarized affidavit, stating that, under penalty of perjury, you swear you did submit the forms. You will also need to include a photocopy of the UPC, rebate form, birth certificate, drivers license, passport, library card, school id, and a DNA sample, and after we review it with the other 5,000 submissions we lost, we'll get a check in the mail to you before the next coming of Christ. Just kidding! There is no Christ!"
Instead, she said, "Okay! I'll have this processed and you should get the check within 30 days!"
Hell, I wish all call centers resolved issues as effectively and quickly as this.
In summary:
- Sandisk, while possibly absent minded, is cool. They get to live.
- If you ever get one of those pesky post cards, call them right away and be friendly.
corporate bullshit,