If you weren't at the Santa Rampage (aka
SantaCon), you have no idea of the awesomeness you missed.
We had 140 Santas this year, all happily bar-hopping through Dallas by facilitation of Santa Containment Vehicles (aka three huge charter buses).
Red Stripe matched my outfit and made me beautiful! See?
eyeawry cannot resist!
A super-small subset of silly Santas (and a couple of poor schmucks at the bar who got caught in the rampage)
Sombrero Santa!
peglegpete points to his Sombrero.. yeah
We even had a black snowman... Snowman Santa!
Santa Maria!
Skwid Santa!
Sadly, I only took a handful of pictures. And then I spilled beer on my camera... WHOOPS! Thankfully it's a "professional" camera and built to withstand beer and miscellaneous bodily fluids.