Mar 18, 2006 18:20
this is my last entry for a little bit. i have to keep in mind that you're reading this first, so i suppose a warning is in order. if you don't have a gig of ram and an OC-3 connection, all the pictures i posted will make your computer explode. SORRY. i have to update in batch like this because i frequently don't have time during the week/month! ;)
yes, i've got a piano! i want to thank everyone for their comments and advice on getting started. i remembered that my brother had a Casio keyboard from WAY BACK WHEN, and it never got much use. a short phone call home told me it was happily awaiting my use in the attic (as in, not use in the attic, but it was waiting in the attic -- just want to make that clear). so i picked it up on my last blitzkrieg trip to dallas (for work). oh.. i guess i should blog that.. i went to a meat processing plant.. it was.. interesting.
Troy: Come on Jimmy, let's take a peek at the killing floor.
Jimmy: Ohhh!
Troy:Don't let the name throw you Jimmy. It's not really a floor, it's more of a steel grating that allows material to sluice through so it can be collected and exported.
anyway, back to piano. i'm loving it. we also had a few books from back in the day as well, which gave me a good starting point. i really hate practicing though, because i mean to only spend 30 minutes or so, but when i look up, 2 hours have passed. UGH. i could have invested that time in watching a movie or chatting online instead. oh well.
the first night i practiced, i went through HALF the book. seriously. i was a piano-playing machine. i thought i was doing really good, mastering classical works like Row Row Row Your Boat and Old MacDonald. then, i turned to the back cover and found that the book is "for the 5-7 year-old beginner". but damnit, i bet i'm playing better than any of those ankle biters!!
today i learned the major scales, and i can play them WITH MY EYES SHUT. oh yeah. again, i think i spent about 2 hours practicing, playing with both hands, trying to recognize the notes and corresponding hand positions, and such. a few of my friends have been immensely helpful in helping me understand some of the basics, and i certainly would not be as far progressed as i am without them.
if i keep this up regularly for another 3-6 months or so, i'm planing to get a nice digital piano. in talking with people and looking online, i'm thinking that the Yamaha P70 is where it's at. full-size, graded hammer action, relatively small footprint compared to others, awesome sound reproduction, and only like $600. looking at ebay, these types of pianos seem to hold their value too, so if i ever give up the hobby or need phat cash, i could probably recoup the majority of the costs, so i think it'd be a good investment. again, i'm going to make sure i have the will and desire to keep this up. :)