Sono ricaduta nel tunnel dei meme D:

Mar 15, 2011 13:54

Fregato a 2dipicche , è troppo bbbello per non farlo! Mi raccomando impegnatevi ad indovinare!

Step 1: Put your iTunes on equivalent or random.
Step 2: Post the first line from the first 20 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing.
Step 3: Bold or Strike out the songs when someone guesses correctly.
Step 4: Looking them up on Google or any other search engine is CHEATING

1. Remember Rio and get down, It's another DJ, it's another town
2. I, I wish you could swim Heroes - Bowie by manubibi
3. Io sono vecchia scuola e i miei amici anche
4. Kiss me out of the bearded barley, Nightly, beside the green, green grass Kiss me - Sixpence none the richer  by agatastjames 
5. Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Bohemian Rhapsody - Glee Cast by manubibi
6. Gli occhi fanno quel che possono niente meno e niente più Cosa vuoi che sia - Ligabue by manubibi
7. Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands up in the air You've got the love - Florence and the machine by manubibi
8. I come home in the morning light Girls just want to have fun - Cindy Lauper by agatastjames 
9. Qui niente male, sembra un funerale
10. Settembre spesso ad aspettarti, e giorni scarni tutti uguali
11. E' colpa mia se siamo diventati indifferenti, più poveri, più tristi e meno intelligenti E' colpa mia - Il Teatro degli Orrori by manubibi
12. Lieve e inutile, resta un attimo per decidere che non durerà Vento - Subsonica by mooneyopenmind 
13. You think I'm pretty, Without any make-up on Teenage dream - Glee Cast by manubibi
14. I am the tragedy. And the heroine, I am lost And I am rescuing Tristan - Patrick Wolf by  fede_fluo 
15. You're the one who's always choking Trojan, You're the one who's always bruised and broken Commercial for Levi - Placebo by p_will 
16. Mentre le ideologie si estinguono, E le coscienze si disperdono
17. Hey, I'm feeling tired, My time is gone today, You flirt with suicide, Sometimes that's OK
18. Stringimi madre, ho molto peccato Voglio una pelle splendida - Afterhours by fede_fluo 
19. I've got another confession to make, I'm your fool Best of you - Foo fighters by manubibi
20. She's not a girl who misses much Happiness is a warm gun - Beatles by manubibi

musica, me, meme

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