So I had an intresting day dropping Tom off at his place of business, which by the way is in Santa Ana or something like that.
Basically I could have gotten home just fine, if I didn't get on the wrong freeway. It took me like an hour. Ri-goddam-diculous. THEN I was in line at In-N-Out and I got stung by a bee on my finger! At least I think it was a bee. I reached across to my passenger seat and felt something roll under my finger than something pinch and I look at my finger and theres a stinger in it! At first it hurt and then the sick fuck in me liked it. Dull pain is wonderfulllll. For some reason I was super astounded by this. Like you could only get stung by bees when you're little [age not height] and scared of them or something. Last time that happend to me I was like 7.
Now, I'm jealous b/c I can hear people in their pool jumping around and splashing while I'm sitting here seating like a fat pig. Bastards.
Bastards I should make friends with. I don't even like swimming, I just like standing in the water.
If I had a pool I would go swimming buttass naked everyday. If I had any place that was mine [ie apartment/house] I would be buttass naked constantly. Clothes are such a hassle.
So I'm supposed to go to Vegas for KT's birthday. Her mom is paying for us all to have rooms and each have lunch and dinner everyday that we're there. What a great lady.
But then I find out that that wretched girl Kazja is going and staying in our room with us. KT swears she told me, but I really think I must have been drunk or passed out when she did.
Anyway, I really don't have a problem with the broad. I'll probably even end up liking her. I don't thouroughly hate anyone and can always find something I like about somebody. Its just going to be awkward, especially since Jake will be there as well.On top of that I am flat broke. Not that I have much to pay for but I would at least like to have 100 dollars with me just incase I need it.
I'm kinda of anxious to see how the trip will turn out. I hope it isn't a disaster and I hope its worth missing three days of trying to find work.
I need help guys, I really do. If you know of anything let me know. I'm going to apply to fish company on Monday. Not that they would hire me.
Well, I'm off to shower finally. Hope you all are having a good day.
[ps- anyone want to go to San Diego street scene??]