An ethical sartorial dilemma

May 23, 2008 12:45

Having learnt to accept my inner Titch (see the last entry), I'm watching the diminutive Adonis for style tips. One thing struck me immediately - blazers are useful. I've been wearing a sports jacket of some sort on and off for years, so this is not a great departure. They're very useful with pockets for your bits and pieces. I have Navy Blue, which works fine, but is a bit dull for the exciting and interesting person you know and love. What I need are stripes!

What would be really useful is to have been a member of a grand sporting or educational institution that had a really good colourful blazer. Alas my roots let me down. (Hmm, maybe that's really circumstances, not roots.) University was so politically correct that there wasn't even a Summer ball to go to, so a college blazer. Most of my limited sporting prowess was in and around London's more depressed areas, so fancy blazers were not part of the scene.

So I find myself having to borrow someone else's colours or give up on the idea. Is this right? Can I look myself in the mirror with any pride if I do this? It's like borrowing someone elses tartan. I have a tartan (Kidd) that I can legitimately wear, but that's a digression.

Now assuming I accept the debatable faux pas of wearing the wrong colours, where does one get nice stripy blazers? The fashionable ones are just awful. I want something more traditional. Oddly the most effective source I have found so far is fancy dress hire. Should I be stopping here and considering I am just stopping dangerously short of fashion crime?

I'll let you if I find anything.
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