So, I don't know how many of you guys know about this guy, but he is the self appointed leader against the entire video game industry. He presented this challenge to the industry just a bit ago. Now, it takes several million dollars to produce a game, not only years of hard work. He is offering $10,000 to a charity of Take Two's CEO's choice. The game this man has suggested involves the violent murder of an entire family,and then solving said crime. Bearing in mind the fact that he is a huge opponent of violent games, and that the formerly suggested game is incredibly violent, the money spent making said game could be better suited, I don't know, being given to said charity. Gabe, of freaking awesome web comic Penny Arcade, presented Mr. Thompson with this information. This was his response. Oh yeah, it happened. I know that most people don't care so much about video games, but when I read about this guy, my head feels the need to explode. I kept reading and found a link to an 80 minute interview with him. I won't post the link here, as I favor my friends to much to subject you guys to it. If you do want to hear it, I do have it on my computer. After listening to this guy, I do believe I will spend the rest of my night, shaking my head, and trying to cry myself to sleep.