LJ Idol 9, Week 9: Keep Calm and End This Meme

May 19, 2014 17:14

Does anybody else miss the days when Frank, the LJ mascot, was having a romance with Meme the Sheep? Okay, so in actuality, I barely even read those things and thought they were kinda dumb, so I guess what I miss is LJ's heyday, before it became this desert wasteland of ONTD and people who will never leave because they shelled out for permanent accounts. (And some other stragglers, I would say like me, but that's not accurate, because I almost never post. I just come here keep up with the holdouts on my f-list. And do LJ Idol.) Meme the Sheep is just a sort of silly symbol of the wider LJ community that the powers-that-were tried, however weakly, to foster.

I despise Facebook, and I can't hardly say anything in 140 words, much less 140 characters, so Twitter's out, and I'm on Pinterest, but I don't really get it.

I sort of use Google+ the way I used to use LJ: a place to blather about my day or something that's on my mind, in brief or at length, and at least my actual, real-life, people-I-actually-like-to-talk-to friends are on there and put up with my blathering. Though instead of memes and quizzes, my friends are more likely to post articles, or link to Cracked.com or TV Tropes. And since unlike That Other Site, I don't have any family members or professional peers in my circles, I can be candid, like I used to be here, where I am anonymous.

I miss the other friends. The online-only friends who I'm sure are on That Other Site, but it's not the same because people interact differently there.

And even LJ Idol, which when I first signed up, back in Season 8, isn't really about what LJ used to be about. When I write for Idol, I have to have some kind of point to make. I can't just blather on. I have to impress people. It's fun, and it's good practice, but it's not what I liked about LJ, even if my LJ usage was always sporadic, at best.

And even though Gary has been doing his absolute damnedest to make people feel guilty about leaving, I find I'm rather calm about it. I don't regret giving it another try, but this wasn't a good time for me to do it, and it's not getting any better. You'll see me around here and there in the Green Room, and depending on how early or late Gary rolls out Second Chance, maybe I'll see if I can give Idol more attention then, but for now, thanks for reading and commenting, and good luck!
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