I made some recs for
china_shop and
engenda last night and thought I'd repost them. All of the TrickC variety... mostly (relatively) short and sweet.
My current gigglefest is
Best Laid Plans by
sola_fiamma. Printed it just 48 hours ago and I've read it twice already. "Fine. Whatever. You're so immature. It was this chick, I was with this chick and she got pissed at me and threw my pants out the window. That's it. End of story. You happy now?"
Plus the remix of Merry's
Wolves and Boybands Mate for Life by
giogio - the utterly fabulous
Boyband Fusion Remix, which includes hysterical CHARTS!!! Judging by the morning's events, Chris and JC were quite capable of screwing up on their own, but they didn't seem to be capable of actually screwing, and not for lack of wanting to either. Joey thought them the ideal subjects for a plotting skills practice session. They clearly already had the hots for each other, and helping them along on their way to stellar gay sex seemed like child's play under the circumstances. What could possibly go wrong?
And stubbleglitter's
A Person of Simple Tastes which is sort of a JC slut fic but really rather sweet. It made sense to start with people he knew, of course. They were the most accessible, they would be the most amenable. He wasn't interested in fuckbuddies, per se; he wanted something deeper, an abiding fondness and affection -- but mostly just mind-blowing sex.
Then there's
Becoming by Kaneko - what if what the media said about the boys became the truth? More and more, JC began to recognize himself in articles he read and in the things people said about him. "I am a serious person," he thought to himself. "I am gullible. I do like cheese."
And for a short one
You Angel You by Sandy. "Really, I was kinda picturing that thing on the Real World? When the girl bought her boyfriend a pig's heart for Valentine's Day. I can see you doing that."
Ooh... and for crossovery goodness there's:
* BtVS / *nsync short fic...
Here. Xander and Chris talk about which one of them has it worst...
* Gilmore Girls / *nsync fic...
Here (also by stubbleglitter). Reminds me nothing so much of Much Ado About Nothing "Were they but a year married they would talk each other mad."