which other rubes are riding hot-shot, sugar?

Mar 16, 2009 20:58

So I may have a new fandom. Because everyone else appears to be doing it (insert sheep joke here 1. thank you). And how the hell can I resist the ears and the banter and the snark and the secrecy and the grinning and the MAGIC?

I blame woolly_socks because it's definitely her turn to corrupt me.

I also blame astolat, fahye, paperclipbitch seperis, rageprufrock and thehoyden (not that most of them have any idea who I am) because their fic is GOOD goddamit (and I'll start commenting any day now I promise). Consider this the official de-lurking.

I've gotten so obsessed I'm even reading the not so good stuff...

vaudevilles I just read the funniest thing....
vaudevilles Sample quote: "Their fighting eventually turned to pranks, when Merlin woke up one morning with half his head shaved off..."
woolly_socks Oh noes! Merlin will be substantially less cute with only half a head!! /o\
vaudevilles Well, you know, Arthur doesn't think he uses it anyway...
woolly_socks except for sekrit magical blowjobs.
woolly_socks I guess he shaved off the back of his head?

Besides this way when I stall on the original fic I have something to play with. Not that I would. Or will. Or anything.

1. If a sheep is a ram and a mule is an ass, how come a ram in the ass is a goose?


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