they go up tiddley up up

Oct 20, 2007 17:14

I'm alive! I post! Well... actually I just meme.

I made this, at the same time as I made an icon for engenda as I was still finding it weird having a crush on a boy. I posted about it here a little. Ah… the internet… teaching people to abandon social mores and admit weird personal kinks since 19mumblemumble.

Also by me. Keyword: Peekaboo. I use it when I'm trying not to watch something, but can't look away. I use it quite often, mostly cos my embarrassment squick rules supreme.

Found at the wonderful iconomicon. I love his icons. This one is for feminist rage and response to idiocy. It gets used far too much, but still not often.

One of the first icons I ever made. I was brought up on AA Milne, I used to enjoy being sick because my mother used to read the stories to me, until she found a cassette of someone quintessentially English reciting them. I still hear the poems with a faint Welsh accent in my head however. This picture is the essence of squee really - I probably wouldn't put the text on now. The keyword is 'skippy packs are mighty bounce', which is from an advert for cornflakes that was everywhere when I was a kid.

Made by liminaliz. Much Ado About Nothing is my favourite play. Ever. It has my absolute favourite dynamic - smart people who like each other but pretend not to and who banter fit to bust. I didn't really like the movie version (even with the delicious Emma Thompson) but this icon just says innocent joy to me.

Ah the icon of threemanbus. It's not my OT3 but gosh they're pretty. So very very pretty. I have a sad sad fondness for those terrible huge glasses Chris used to wear with the dreads. Yes. I'm really rather proud of the cropping and the light on this icon.

Made by thirdhex. Spander was how I found slash. I was reading eliade's Spike/Buffy and then she started writing this homoerotic stuff. And I was totally hooked. Plus Buffy? One of the all time great shows - I spent nearly five years watching an episode a week with a group of friends. And this comes from one of my favourite episodes and is a perfect example of obliviousness.

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