Baby Mine...

Oct 21, 2006 11:25

We’re PREGNANT!!!!

And I can finally officially tell everyone!

The LWT (legally wedded thing) is the one who is knocked up - she’s 13 weeks pregnant and we’re due on 28 April. Because when we first started reading all the pregnancy books they kept describing the foetus’ size in terms of food the small person in the belly of the LWT is known as Bean.

Possibly to make up for all the hard work of preparing and then actually working towards getting pregnant the LWT’s had a pretty easy time of it - no morning sickness to speak of and she hasn’t even been particularly tired. She has been prone to wandering the supermarket vaguely making such pronouncements as “Bean doesn’t like leeks” and “Bean need MEAT”, but that’s been (heh) more cute than anything else.

Yesterday we had the first scan and Bean has a brain, and a bladder, and nose cartilage, and a stomach and two arms. Bean kept its two legs modestly crossed (so cute!) and has obviously been listening to good techno as the heart beat was at something over 150 beats per minute. The LWT was convinced that it will be lantern jawed. Bean kept showing us its bum - watching the movement (so much of it!) was amazing.

I managed not to cry until after we got out of the scanning room. Such a mind-blowing thing! I’ve seen our baby. Bean was kinda grey and blurry and looked exactly like all the other baby-scans I’ve ever seen on telly, but it was OUR baby. Ours! How cool is that?

Waiting and not writing anything about what’s been happening recently has been akin to having the best chocolate ever in the fridge and waiting for your exceedingly late best friend to arrive and help eat it. Especially after the epic saga of trying - detailed slightly in this post.

I can’t thank everyone enough for the way you’ve held me through this time - especially to aunty woolly_socks. We have such amazing friends, including both our donor and his wife - who generously gave of their time and bodily fluids - the best present anyone has ever given me. Our bathroom may have to be renamed the ‘masterbatorium’ in memoria.

We’re so incredibly lucky to be living in Aotearoa where I will be recognized as a legal parent and where civil unions are available, and most of all to be surrounded by such aroha (love) from our extended friends and family. Right now I love the world.

family, bean

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