AtS blather

Jun 04, 2003 00:15

There was a S5 AtS speculation thread posted at the Babble Board (why can't I stay away? Why?), but I've been chatting with Jen, so of course I have more wants than I said at the time.

Things I Want That I Might Actually Get Maybe:

a) an explanation for what happened to Gunn in the white room

b) learning whether or not Angel remembers Connor after his last glimpse. (My guess is he does -- why X out the angst factor that gives such perfect echoes to IWRY? It's who Angel is. He bears the loads no one else can so the people he loves can be happy. ::tears up:

c) more investigation of Wes and Dead!Lilah's relationship. We all know being dead does not preclude having issues with your romantic partner.

d) a guest appearance (or two or three -- an arc would be beyond fabulous) by SMG.

e) Spike/Angel interaction. I don't care if they both have souls, if one of them's human, or Spike is evil. I have never been disappointed when Marsters and Boreanaz go at one another. (Not like THAT! Minds out of the gutter! ::remembers Buffy's suggestion about wrastling and oil:: Um . . . well, okay, maybe.)

f) normal!Connor discovering his Dad, but not remembering who he used to be -- a metaphor for a child of adoption connecting with their birth parent at an adult age.

g) Gwen! I like Gwen. I liked Gwen/Gunn. I would like to see more Gwen/Gunn. (For the record, I liked Gwen/Angel, too, but now they've gone too far with Gwen/Gunn.)

Things I Want That Are Less Likely But Still Within the Realm of Possibility:

a) Fred flirting with Willow (preferably after Willow shows up, announces the thing with Kennedy was a rebound relationship, and hints that she's available.).

b) B/A angsty relationshippy goodness, hopefully with a powerful story arc attached.

c) Eliza Dushku guest starring again. I might have an orgasm if it coincided with SMG guest starring.

d) it being revealed that, due to the change in history that was Connor's mind warp/whatever it was, Darla never died, and she and Dru travel back to the City Of and there's a big Fangy Four reunion/showdown in present day Los Angeles, complete with fabulous flashbacks from the Bad Old Days. Ohhh, I'm getting a happy just imaging it.

e) Lindsey . . . please? I mean, everyone's at W&H now . . .

Things I Want That Are As Likely as Season 8 of BtVS:

a) for them to know whether or not it's going to be the last season before they go in, so they can plan accordingly.

b) Cordelia to wake from her coma to have a conversation with Angel where they both declare they were never "in love" and they were manipulated/confused by the deep platonic bond they share.

c) someone -- somewhere, somehow -- to address poor, forgotten, lost Phantom Dennis.

d) for the petty in-fighting and 'shipper camps to agree to disagree (because no one's going to sway anyone) and unite in the common goal of a Good Story, whatever it may be.

Please don't let the fandom turn into the Dawson's Creek fandom . . . I don't think I could bear it . . .

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