Was reading
kita0610's LJ and am stunned utterly speechless (well, maybe not speechless) that there are apparently people in this world who disliked Orpheus. I do not understand. I could not understand less if I tried, and to avoid making my head hurt, I am now going to compose the World's Worst Poem.
Oh, Orpheus, you take the name of
a drug of choice
That brought My Baby back
Mere I am merely
moved to forgive
the transgressions you committed
In Birthday
Family, but not sappily
but real and jovial companionship
with lesbian not-so-sub-text
and one kickass wicca
And Mandy, oh Mandy
You came and you gave
Without taking
And you left me that hair
and Faith psychically
psychedelically trip-tip-toeing
down the road to redemption
<*/awful ode*>
Yeah, so I dug it. *g* Thought Charisma Carpenter was on the mark like she hasn't been in weeks. Thought the little exchange between Willow and Wesley about their respective darkness resonated honestly and also got a chuckle out of how in love Aly and Alexis are reported to be. Wish more than anything that some force of evil will destroy Kennedy on BtVS and Fred and Willow will ride off into the sunset together. Lorne singing to Faith was the first thing he's done in months that has seemed not only useful, but incredibly touching. I momentarily recanted my "Oh, just kill him already!" stance. And, in the final scene, the way the group family dynamic was written reminded me why AtS overshadowed my lurve of BtVS way back in S1 -- it all fit. It wasn't overly sentimental, but it made me feel how much they all care about each other more than a dozen declarations of undying devotion ever could. I'm sad to see Faith go, but something I didn't expect was accomplished with a few simple moments -- I'm not sad to see Angelus go, and I'm over the moon to have Angel back. They did it right. They got it right. I'm the first to bitch and moan when they fuck it up, so right now, I'm layin' it out there -- my fangirl world was rocked, and this week of all week's I really, really needed it.
In other geeky news, I have begun playing The Sims again. Jen picked up a used copy for me ages ago but I resisted playing because I knew once I did I would never be heard from again. But I've been sick and whiny and unable to resist, so . . .
First, I created Buffy and Angel Summers, because that is my way. Then, I created a house and threw Spike, Willow, Wes, and Faith in there. Everything was kind of messed up (except for Buffy and Wes' friendship -- they had the most animated conversation I've ever seen about sports. Jumping up and down and gesturing emphatically. Then, Wes flirted with Buffy, made Angel jealous, and Angel came over and smacked him. Wes cried.) Naturally, I soon realized the folly of this, and the entire game was something of a bust, so I was forced to delete them all. I consider it an alternate universe that was blotted out because someone made a wish and Giles had to get strict with a vengeance demon's power source.
New world created, and I'm going slow. Starting out with Buffy Summers and Angel ExVampyr (I've gone truly mad; I fill out their bios and everything. "Angel is a former vampire trying to build a normal life after his Shanshu.") in separate residences. Buffy is in the medical profession, and Angel is trying his hand at being an actor.
I'll slowly start filling in the rest of the Sunnydale gang after awhile. Can't wait for Spike to come over, hit on Buffy, get Angel jealous, and have Angel smack him. Teehee. Or maybe Spike will hit on Angel, Buffy will get jealous, and smack Spike.
Went down to do a market research thing today. Tried to go day before yesterday, but was late. Because I showed up, they said I could come back today and try again. It's $60, so I figured, why not. Today I was only 4 minutes late (traffic) but I got in and filled out the questionnaire etc. They began taking people in, and soon, there were 15 of us waiting out in the lobby. They said sorry, they wouldn't be needing us, and continued to make this long, drawn out speech about the whole thing -- then the guy says "but to thank you for coming down, you'll all be getting paid, still" and I'm like, wtf, why are you apologizing? We get paid and we get to leave? Sweet! So made $60 today for spending 30 mins. reading a book in a lobby. And they said we can all come back and do it again and make another $60 since we didn't actually do the market research.
Clearly, the only course of action is to correctly determine how to be just late enough not to be called, but not so late that you don't get paid. *eg*