The question of some people's brilliance was never a doubt in my mind.
You're marvelous for finding that varnish potion mixture. We can make our own colours (for personal use, of course - I don't think Prof -- Headmaster McGonagall or Snape would appreciate us marketing them). And just in time for the ball. Excellently done, Lav.
Together, we'll be the most striking couple at the ball. (That is, if you're not too sore from Quidditch lessons. I promise to go easy on you. Just think, if I make the team, we'll be playing against each other - and from what I've seen of you, you're a fantastic Chaser.)
... and please. Call me Vati. You've more than won the honour.
I kissed him. He kissed me. Whichever it was, it was certainly something that happened more than once.
He's different from Oliver - which is nice, I suppose, since Oliver barely gave me the time of day when I fancied him. Fancied. I'm already using the past tense? Gods.
In any case, the next few weeks are going to be quite interesting.