Jun 01, 2005 02:45
solidxrevolution: i had a dream last night and you were in it
maggisauraus: haha really
solidxrevolution: it was the coolest dream ever...i woke up several times and went back to sleep just to be in it still
solidxrevolution: the most i remember was me and my brother and we stole this old guys tracktor...and it was a massive tractor probably about 20 feet high
maggisauraus: haha
solidxrevolution: and the guy followed us and my brother told me to get off and hide in this deserted field next to a forest
solidxrevolution: so I did....and you were there somehow
solidxrevolution: and me and you went into the forest and there was a house...and there were 2 guys that invited us in...and when we got inside there was another guy in the back porch between 2 pinnacles chained to another and they were sacrificing him
maggisauraus: ew omg
solidxrevolution: from then on I knew something was wrong but for some reason you didn't and they came to me and told me they were going to sacrifice you as well...on the third day we were there.
solidxrevolution: they told you,you were going on a trip of some sort
solidxrevolution: and if I told you...they were going to do the same to me
maggisauraus: eeeeeeeeek
solidxrevolution: so on the third day they were putting you on chains...but in a different place from the guy who had been sacrificed days before....they had locked me inside the house...and I didn't know how to help you
solidxrevolution: but...luckily...somehow a place in the back of the "head guys" head would take you from one house to the next....and I figured that out and jumped into his head
maggisauraus: hahahahaha
solidxrevolution: and I got you out of it
solidxrevolution: but...I didn't escape
solidxrevolution: though I went against them they asked me to be on their side and worship their leader
solidxrevolution: and I couldn't really do anything about that
solidxrevolution: and they told me I had potential and stuff
solidxrevolution: so I stayed against my will...and I was turning into another creature...I was still a human but I would swim underwater like no other human
solidxrevolution: there were these little puppets I had...one would make me normal...and good...the other would make me as evil as the others
solidxrevolution: and they shoved the evil one down my throat and I went underwater and went invisible to try and hide from everyone...but the "head guy" still knew where I was and would punish me for it
solidxrevolution: the evil puppet represented the "head guy" so when I had that in me...he knew wahat I was doing and thinking at all times
solidxrevolution: so I couldn't really do much, because they took the good puppet away from me
solidxrevolution: Then me and the "head guy's" partner were at a show and we had to try and sabotage it and kill loads of people. I crawled on stage between the band and nobody could see me because I was a shadow. His partner told me to go get the evil puppet and come back. I left to go get the puppet but not the evil one...instead I went to this floating city and got the good puppet. I shoved that one down my throat and I looked in a mirror, I was growing a beard and weird wings. I remember thinking, "oh crap I've been gone a long time, they might suspect something," so I left. As I left some guy stopped me, and told me I could join him and be good and even more powerful. I told him that I wanted to, but if I did I would be sacrificed and killed. I got back...and there was nobody there. I got back to the field, and there was a row of dead bodies. My brother, Maggie, and I were looking at them all.