Mod Update | 09/04/11

Sep 04, 2011 11:40


✗ The FRIENDS ADD, TAKEN CHARACTERS, PLAYER CONTACT, RESIDENCY POST, and other things have been updated. Don't forget to comment to any of the pages if you have yet to do so!

✗ Here are the current adds and drops from this application round! Please update your lists over here.

friend add tamestraykitten
friend add 2girls1weapon
friend add sneakypasta
friend add demoniacals
friend add nightknighted
friend add dependabull
friend add petervincent
friend add moemoeotaku
friend add spectagoggles
friend add heavensgold
friend add megustajustice
friend add Sp8der8itch
friend add toldherstory
friend add ka_pchooooo
friend add fairly_small
friend add threepatchman
friend add darkstone_hero
friend add nautical_smile
friend add blazingtrap
friend add sanglantereine
friend add hisdreamsmyfate
friend add conductsthewind
friend add imprudencies
friend add felinefetale
friend add k1_sauce
friend add oneinthecradle
friend add her_kendo_pwns
friend add uebercharge
friend add psychosomatical
friend add by_my_will
friend add lithuanians
friend add romanomens
friend add bioshifting
friend add littleredlotti
friend add fishncustard
friend add divineemperor
friend add keijisan
friend add dateplans
friend add spoileriffic
friend add superboysmash
friend add cry-some-moar
friend add wickedcultured
friend remove kamen-luthier
friend remove houndseeksheart
friend remove factorless
friend remove emperor_red
friend remove heirconditioner
friend remove oglogoth
friend remove witchofthedorm
friend remove yuliafonichymns
friend remove allsweetheart
friend remove raincoats
friend remove lift_and_cradle
friend remove vacationisalie
friend remove licoricebears
friend remove ilverodecimo
friend remove pacifist_storm
friend remove leftie4life
friend remove trollinurshadow
friend remove bitchfayz
friend remove tohnogland
friend remove sky_flame_on
friend remove parcelmistress
friend remove sagouzo
friend remove thestrooongone
friend remove ofkairos
friend remove longaevus
friend remove gotyoursmile
friend remove lovethemsomuch
friend remove maybeimadog
friend remove remuslupus
friend remove veridicals
friend remove der_geliebte
friend remove kicksinnads
friend remove queenofcommon
friend remove imaging


✗ And with plans set into motion! A bubble, an elevator, and a mad doctor -- we have hats! This morning your character will wake up to find a hat next to them. What sort of hat? It's up to you! Beaches and shores, you might say! What is Vatheon up to up to now? This accursed bubble in all it's terrible glory oh noooo!

It's just a hat.

Except when you put it on, you cannot take it off without assistance. Terrible, isn't it? Wait, after a bit of wearing the hat... you might notice changes to your personality. As in, if you wear a fireman hat you might feel a bit more like a fireman. A pair of cat ears? You might sprout a tail and have the sudden urge to eat fish!

A top hat? Well, you might want to dance. In the plaza you will find a giant table filled to the brim with HATS AFTER HATS so feel free to swap too!

Some more explanation here. And perhaps you feel like suggesting a hat?

Be warned! The hats are tricky little beings and eventually you will find yourself topped by one. Enjoy! This is Curse Week 22! So tag your entries with "!curse: twenty two"!

As always, if there are any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to post below or contact Cal, Squee or Dees!


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