slowaitus → hiatus

Jun 15, 2011 10:23

As some of you may have noticed, I've been a lazy person trying to keep up with my tags. I've been having the bad case of "naaaah I'll do it later"s. But anyway, my point! I'm putting myself on slowaitus so I can get what I need to get done for this week, before Saturday. So if and when I may not be the fastest tags ever.

This leads me to...what's happening Saturday?

I'M GOING ON VACATION! :D /slips on shades--

antiderp will just be lurking around hide your kids, hide your wife, so...I think that's about that with him. \o

I will have internet access while I'm there, and if any of you guys need me your best bet would either be to PM this journal or grab me on plurk. I may be backtagging while I'm down there, but I'm not guaranteeing anything.

I'll be leaving this Saturday, and coming back the next Saturday. I'll see you all lovely people when I get back! maybe even with a new character! \o\


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