I don't know how to even say this... [dropping]

Jun 07, 2011 12:29

 You guys have been my family ever since I joined. Through thick and thin I've been with you guys, loved you all dearly. Watched people come and go. I know I wasn't here for very long, but I was here for long enough. Long enough to meet some of the most amazing people. Long enough to know some of teh most amazing staff. Long enough to make friends and have one of the best RPing experiences I've ever had.

But due to circumstances in Real Life...due to a mother who tries to tie me up like a marionette and pull my strings the way she desires, due to the economy's suffocating grip on trying to find a stable job for the summer...I find that my way to you all will be closed for some time. For two, three months at minimum.

And it isn't right to keep hold on a character...and someone else deserves her more than me. I wish I had been more active, but fate has better things in mind for me, and it begins by taking me away and throwing me into the real world.

So Kairi, in short, will be going home. She'll disappear during the night, and leave some things behind for Riku to find in the apartment. Namely everything she's ever gotten from him and from Sora, Sora and Riku (the puppies) and her charms. The ones that were given from the Valentines day ball so many months ago.

Namine you still have to pick up your puppy from her apartment. He's been waiting for you, and he has a little white bow on his neck now.

Caden, she's left you one of her shell charms she was making for you as something to help you focus and calm down. Its with a note that says that she was very happy to meet you and she hopes you'll keep on opening up and letting others be your friends. And to follow your heart.

Sora, she left you your things, your puppy namesake and the charm you gave her from the ball.

Riku...she pretty much left you everything else. You were there longer, and there's also a note with her charm that tells you that she pretty much admits her feelings for both you and Sora...and to tell you to take care of Sora until she comes back. And to not let the darkness win again, and to follow the light. Typical Kairi things.

Tsuzuki, you'll find Kairi's munny pouch on your bed. Its the least she could have given you for all the things you've done for her.

I probably will not have my AIM or whatever, but you can reach me by my e-mail at releneven@nc.rr.com or drawamemory@hotmail.com if you have MSN. I'll miss you guys. Maybe someday I'll come back...but until then, see ya.



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