MOD UPDATE | 6/5/11

Jun 05, 2011 14:57


✗ The FRIENDS ADD, TAKEN CHARACTERS, PLAYER CONTACT, RESIDENCY POST, and other things have been updated. Don't forget to comment to any of the pages if you have yet to do so!

✗ Two new apartment buildings have been added to the residency page!

✗ Activity check danger list is up over here✗ Here are all of the recent adds for the previous ( Read more... )


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skyglide June 5 2011, 21:29:00 UTC
1. Does the city as a whole change appearances, or just the locals and the shops? If yes, is there an example of what the setting would look like now?

2. Are characters' (whole) wardrobes affected by this?

3. Are there any changes/limitations on the food available? i.e., will only the basic meat/veggies/potatoes/etc. be available for players, or will it stay the same as it is now? On that same note, is the merchandise in general (such as clothes/appliances/etc.) be limited as well?

4. Is the Nostalgia Nook affected in any way?

5. a) I know that it says quests are player chosen, but does that mean we just make them up, or choose from a list?

5. b) Will there be an OOC post listing available quests, so that players can sign up OOCly and form parties to complete said quests, etc.? Like kill # number of x monsters, or collect the tooth of x boss in the Pirate Ship? If not, would I or another player be able to set up a post where people can comment with quests they came up with, and other players can reply to sign up/join in?

6. How is leveling up determined? i.e., how much exp is needed to go from lvl 1 to 2 and 2 to 3, etc. and how is the amount of exp per quest determined?

7. Are there monsters (mobs) located in throughout the city for characters who would be more inclined to grind than quest? If yes, what sorts of mobs and where? (i.e., lvl 3 mobs are found in the park and lvl 10 mobs are found in the forest, and what said mobs are composed of).

8. For characters that die, how long does their body remain there before they're forced to respawn and lose a life, and are they able to communicate somehow to ask for someone to revive them? Also, if there are any revive items available in shops are characters who died able to use them on themselves somehow?

9. Will there be a currency implemented for characters participating in this plot, or can they purchase unlimited amounts of HP/Mana potions, etc. for no cost?

10. Will there be a method for characters to change their class at some point during the plot?

11. What limitations are there for characters that are opted out of the event/what sort of things are available for them in the city?

I think that's it for my general questions...


1. Since Akito and Agito are so different (Akito is basically a support and Agito is a damage-dealer) would I be able to give each of them a different class? i.e., Agito is a ... Black Mage and uses offensive magic skills and Akito is a Healer who can use buffs and white magic. Since in Final Fantasy X-2 Yuna, Rikku, and Paine could change their classes by using Dresspheres I thought that their eyepatch could work the same way - switch between the two of them and their skill sets.

2. Will Agito still be able to train with his A-T? I imagine his offensive skills with them would be nuked, but if the rest of their function remained intact he would still be able to practice his overall technique. Oh - or would he be able to be a twin blade class, but instead of dual-daggers use the blades on his feet? :|a

Sorry for all of the questions! It's just that with a plot as complex as this I want to be sure of things. /)__(\


thalassino June 5 2011, 23:41:37 UTC
01. Vatheon itself does not change. Only the decorations in shops etc changes but it is more like the shop-keepers are playing along in one big game, putting up some silly things over their normal shop interiors.

02. Their entire wardrobe will be changed to whichever class they are.

03. No limitations.

04. The Nostalgia Nook is not affected.

05. There will not be a list. People are free to make up quests themselves, or get together with a small group and plot some things. We can give you some hints and tips if needed, but just imagine the regular run of the mill quests you get in RPG games.

05b. If you wish, you can set up a post like that, sure.

06. Leveling and EXP gain is essentially handwaved. Just use your common sense, imagination and character personality. If they are the type to do all the quests and fight all the mobs, they will level quickly. If they are sitting somewhere staring at a flower, they will not. The level cap is set at 50, but after level 25 it will become pretty hard to gain higher levels unless your character is really working for it.

We won't exactly be checking exactly which quests your character did, but for the tournament at the end of the week, the more active you have been, the more likely we'll let you enter it with a high level character. (Pretty much to avoid people not doing anything this week and just showing up with a level 50 character on saturday.)

07. The monsters (whether in mob or not) are located in the forest and in the pirate quadrant. This way non-participating characters or characters that do not want to do fights will not be affected. In general, just the deeper your go into either the forest or the pirate ship, the harder to beat the monsters get. They respawn too, so everybody has a chance to beat the mid-boss.

08. The characters can only die in battle. If they are not revived before the end of the battle -either through a revival item or through spells from another character-it will count as one life lost. Their body will disappear when the party leaves the fight and reappear in the last ‘safe point’ (either an inn or one of the unusually quiet clearings the forest suddenly has gained) If this happens three times, the character is out for the rest of the week.

09. There will be no currency system. Instead, the characters will only be able to revive a very limited amount of items from the shop keepers. Go to any shop keeper and they will give you a pack of essentials, including mana potions (25x), hp potions (25x), and revive potions (3x). The pack also includes some basic herbal medicines in the case of status effects. Once you have received the pack from one shop keeper, none of the other ones will give you more. They know. They just do.

Of course there are ways to replenish this stock. During battle, the monsters will drop items. In addition there are also some chest and jars and such scattered around the ship and forest with these treasures inside. It basically goes Medicine (common drop), Mana/HP potions (medium drop) Revive potions (rare drop), shiny new gear!!! (super rare drop). For the rare and the super rare, you basically have to take on really high level monsters. Or steal them like a sneaky sneaky thief.

As is common per RPGs, your characters cannot hold more than 99x of each item.

Why can’t I hold all these potions, man? WHY?!

10. Characters are stuck with the class that was originally chosen. When they reach level 10 they can add a secondary class.

11. No limitations. They can basically do all the things they normally do. The monsters leave them alone even when they go into the forest or pirate ship.


thalassino June 5 2011, 23:41:45 UTC

And as for the character specific ones.

01.Nope, he’d only have one class. So choose wisely. Of course, the secondary class that comes in after level ten can represent the other character.

02. If you choose to have your character cursed, their normal equipment (which in his case would be his A-T) will not be present or will not work. Instead he will have to fight with whatever weaponry his chosen class allows him. You can design the class as you wish, just keep in mind common sense and the way general RPG classes work.


skyglide June 5 2011, 23:56:35 UTC
So could the secondary class be anything? And if they were to be unaffected would they be able to kill the monsters in the forest for training?

/still undecided on what to do. :|a


thalassino June 6 2011, 00:35:45 UTC
Their secondary class could be anything yes. And if they are unaffected by the curse, they will not be able to kill the monsters. Their blows will not do any damage, and the monsters will simple ignore them and leave to fight some cursed characters.


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