/Victory tun-- wait

Apr 13, 2011 00:20

Are we nearly there yet?

Yes, kids, we are nearly there yet.


Just one or two minor things remaining. Actually. Make that three.

So, as the days have been progressing, most of the dinosaurs that took over Vatheon are gone. Smaller ones were eaten and some of the bigger ones were also eaten. Or taken out by characters. Go team. You earned yourself a gold star.

Yes, it seems that peace and quiet is almost ready to return to Vatheon again.

Oh wait, I did say almost.

You see, this is like a game. You've beaten the first horde. You've level grinded on the pre-bosses, which only leaves one last thing.

A little thing we like to call 'Who wants to punch a T-rex in the face?'

You heard that correctly. On Wednesday, we will move into the final stage of this little Dinosaur dance off. Three more dinosaurs will appear in Vatheon. Only three this time, but they are quite impressive.

Please welcome Spinosaurus, Giganatosaurus and Tyrannosaurus

They are big, they are vicious, they are hungry, but they certainly are not unbeatable. In fact, it is time to get some groups together and throw down against some boss level dinosaurs. Which is why this plotting post is here. Sign up your characters for a dinosaur if they are the type to wanna wrestle one. Lets get some groups together and take down these bosses. We can't promise they will drop any loot, but hey, peace, quiet, hero status and the ability to say 'I once punched a Spinosaurus' to a lovely lady should be enough reward, right?

The draining effect of the coral is still there but the night before Wednesday was unusually calm seeming. Calm enough to sleep even, so lets recharge some batteries and take down these nasty fiends.

Hopefully there won't be any bonus bosses.

So, yes. That is what this post is for. Gather here to plot, ask questions, or simply rue the day you said 'man, I wish we had some dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are cool'.

!event, plot

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