Touka 010 ❀ Onii-chan's going on a date! Won't Hime-chan be jealous!

Sep 13, 2010 17:32

Characters: Touka, Kyousuke, and Hime.
Location: Kyousuke's room.
Time: Uh....afternoon? 
Style: Whatever.
Status: Closed like Kyousuke's heart is towards anyone but Hime.

[Touka comes home after her talk with Kagome-chan. She immediately goes to her brother's room and busts open the door, not bothering to knock or anything, of course. She conveniently leaves the door WIIIIDEEEEE open and talks in a very loud voice, hoping that a certain other person who shares the apartment with them will conveniently overhear.]

Oniiiiiiii-chan! I found you a date!

touka kishi, hime yarizakura, kyousuke kishi

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