Aug 14, 2010 01:17

Characters: Kojiro and anyone else
Location: Main square
Time: Afternoon
Style: Whichever you feel most comfortable with.
Status: Open!

The first thing he became aware of was that he was breathing-Something that struck odd for multiple reasons. For one, he’d fallen into the ocean, so if he was breathing, he should be drowning. Secondly, didn’t he die? Slowly, his other senses returned; hearing picked up on the sounds of people coming and going. Smell picked up the scent of the sea. Taste picked up the coppery flavor of his own blood in his mouth. Touch detected that his clothes and hair were soaked through, as well as one other thing… There was no more pain.

His eyes opened, and his sense of sight returned, treating him to a view of buildings all around, and high above them, the purest of blue skies. …No, it wasn’t the sky. It was far too blue for that. The ocean? How was that possible? Kojiro pushed himself to a seated position to better take in his surroundings. The buildings around him were almost alien in architecture, resembling nothing he’d ever seen before, and when he looked down at himself to survey the damage, he found his clothes not only soaked with sea water, but also his own blood. Oddly, there was no damage to the fabric itself where he’d been cut. There was also no pain at all where the wound had been. Was he truly dead? Was this the afterlife? If it was, it was nothing like he’d imagined it. At least his sword was still with him.

The longer he went about silently studying his surroundings, the more he noticed. For one thing, there was a strange ball of light floating around him (he’d already tried swiping at it with his sword, but it would quickly dodge and go back to hovering, so he decided not to bother with it after that), as well as a strange mark on the back of his left hand. For another, the writing on the building signs was completely foreign to him, yet he could read it without difficulty. Just where was he?

alucard (hellsing), kagome higurashi, valkenhayn hellsing, neku sakuraba, kojiro sasaki

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