Characters: Klavier Gavin and
Location: The Middle District, near the Library steps!
Time: Early Afternoon.
Style: First is fine!
Status: OPEN!
Other: Hop, mingle, do your thing, I'll be slow anyway. This is sort of a mini!concert, so feel free to threadjack and stuff. Pretend this is the rockiest music ever, I suck at thinking of what he'd play. Also my tags will be unbearably slow, so have fun yourselves guys!
[ And so, he'd decided Vatheon was too quiet. Klavier decided it was high time he remedied this problem himself, and, grabbing some stuff from the Casino where he usually did his thing, he took is favorite electric guitar, Liberty, and put on all his stuff, getting ready. He's not going to question how it works, but he has an amp (probably made from the discarded radio bits and other tech that has been recovered), not the best one, but hey! It works.
... And so, for a little warm up, he begins with something everyone
probably already knows, a classic, and one of his favorites.
Then, he moves on to
Guilty Love, one of his band's songs. The music can probably be heard from a ways away, so feel free to get a closer look and just watch, or wonder what he's doing, or you know, get lost in the groove. After all, his aim of this IS to help people cheer up~! Before the zombie invasion, anyway. ]