(no subject)

Aug 08, 2010 04:55

Characters:   Neku and anyone
Location:  Plaza
Time:  noon
Style:  Either
Status:  OPEN

[At the moment he's just leaning against a nondescript wall, staring idly at the people but more avidly at the odd surroundings, and he's definitely wondering about the coral, but he's not going to ask.]

[Nope, definitely not asking, though his head sinks lower into his oversized collar as person after person- locals, they have to be- stops to ask about his still damp appearence with concern. He doesn't like this frank attention, not like...they seem to give it. With that vibe about them.]

At least in the UG there was a familiar face or two... [A small shiver. It's not that cold, but he's still wet- eventually, he's going to have to let go of his pride enough to ask for some dry clothes.]

[...just not yet.]

cheshire cat (are you alice?), sanae hanekoma, billy iketani, enjin hiizumi, queen of hearts (are you alice?), kagome higurashi, neku sakuraba, alice? (are you alice?)

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