Event || 003

Jul 29, 2010 13:19

It seems like a normal day, correct? Alpha has successfully shooed off the protesters, and some locals are cleaning up the mess leftover. Everything seems calm and perfectly fine before sometime around noon, a loud "BZZT" is heard in the church. People around the area look up in concern to see what's wrong when some screams are heard from inside the church. The door opens and people run out, staring at a point of the rooftop on the church.

Curious thing, isn't it?

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a burst of flames soars out of the point they're staring at and quickly begins to cover the roof of the church quickly. Alpha runs out of the church then, stomping and growling at people to get a hose and get water. Distraction then comes in the form of the half the roof caving in towards the front of the church, exposing the inside.

Again, what a curious thing this is!

The inside of the church, which is also on fire, does not look like a normal church. More like a ... laboratory. Interesting! A few people in labcoats such as Alpha's are pointing a hose at the fire and spraying it with water. Someone shouts "Get the rain!" and from somewhere deeper inside the restricted area, clouds float upwards to the top of the barrier and thunder rumbles before the clouds start to pour. The fire rages on.

Soon, a few more hoses are found and combined with the rain, the fire is put out. Most of the exposed area of the church is burnt and a few locals are trying to savage some equipment in the debris. The barrier to the church is down but only the burnt area is accessible. People might be able to find things such as radios, televisions, and other mildly high-tech things in the midst of all of this.

((OOC: tl;dr there was a fire at the church because of the heat, the front part of the church's roof caved in and is available for digging through right now. Nothing of importance will be found, but you may be able to take a few radios, televisions, or whathaveyou home. Entertainment stuff, mostly. A few innocent books too, such as Alice's Adventures In Wonderland, Aesop's Fables, and Mother Goose. Use your common sense!

Note: The rain will continue through Sunday when all weather will stop.))

!alpha, !event

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