Oh Christmsas tree, oh Christmas tree...

Dec 20, 2011 21:01

Characters: Rhi'a and Equius.
Location: For right now? The Plaza, will change to the forest later on.
Time: Afternoon.
Style: Whatever Equius-mun prefers!
Status: Closed, sorry!

[Well, today was the big day. The day Rhi'a and Equius would pick out a tree for the plaza and boy was she excited. Nevertheless, she had sent Equius the time when they should meet and the location. Clearly, the plaza would be the best spot to meet. As such, that was the spot she choose. However, despite the fact that Rhi'a choose the time to be there, she still managed to be early. It must have been the excitement. Nevertheless, she decided it would be better off to calm herself down, and wait for him. Bouncing off the walls would solve nothing. So Rhi'a will just be sitting on a bench, seeming to be lost in thought. Might as well distract yourself from the time, no?]

equius zahhak, rhi'a dragunel

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