Follow your Nose

Dec 05, 2011 16:53

Characters: vatheon and cinnaponpuppy
Location:  Victori Garden, the plaza, and where ever the white birds are
Time: Morning
Style: Pick and I'll follow
Status: Open

Those in the plaza might come across wet foot steps from the great Coral, heading towards Victori Garden. Upon his arrival, he was first distracted by his wet clothes, and then distracted by the smell of fresh baked goodies. It was great that he was on "patrol" and wouldn't get in trouble, but he didn't see Wakaba any where. And this certainly wasn't Cinnapon he was smelling.

Beggers can't be choosers, and the fresh baked goodies did smell great.

He would be lectured though for being so careless.

Tsuzuki decided to satisfy his treats craving and explore at once. He pulled out two of his Fuda papers and created his pretty white birds. Anyone with a keen spirit sense could pick up on the energy being used. After he sent one in each direction to explore, he continued on his happy way to the source of the smell.

kazutaka muraki, asato tsuzuki, tiir rumibul

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